Statistics about the outcome of fertility treatment, of which one possibility is termination, have been available on our website for a number of years. We released additional data about the reasons given for terminations in June 2010...
A v rozhodování kam se dříve vydat vám opět pomohou okouzlující fotografie všech míst. Audio Guide Nový Jičín – nudit se nebudete! •免费正式版 •至少三种语言 •音频点 •导航目标 - 计算的最短路线,并在地图上显示 •映射也可在离线模式下 •在前往附近城市技巧 •...
Inflorescence cymose; calyx 6-10 mm long, lobes lanceolate, equaling or shorter than the tube, pubescent, some trichomes glandular; corolla tube 10-16 m long, glabrous, lobes 8-12 mm long, 5-10 mm wide, pink to rose or lavender, rarely white, the eye usually dark; stamens; anthers...
Frost et al., 2009 R.L. Frost, J. Sejkora, S. Cejka and E.C. Keeffe, Raman spectroscopic study of the mixed anion sulphate-arsenate mineral parnauite Cu9[(OH)10|SO4|(AsO4)2]*7H2O, J. Raman Spectrosc. (2009)Frost R. L., Sejkora J., Cˇ ejka J. and Keeffe E. C. (...