This branch is up to date with HugoBlox/hugo-blox-builder:main.Folders and files Latest commit axza feat: add Bluesky icon to Brands icon pack (HugoBlox#3111) 5660081· Jul 14, 2024 History1,845 Commits .github starters: port Academic theme to Tailwind May 19, 2024 modules feat: add Bl...
tailwind.config.js refactor(start using tailwind-scrollbar and removing animations from … Jul 11, 2022 tsconfig.json feat(Setup project. Fonts, colors and assets): 🎉 Jul 4, 2022 vercel.json feat(Adding vercel.json): ✨ Jul 13, 2022 ...
You can either scroll down to the desired product name or use the search bar at the top of the page to search for it. In this example, the product key for Visual Studio Enterprise 2019 is being searched using the search bar. As shown, several versions are listed. One key has alread...
Tailwind CSS-一种实用程序优先的CSS框架,用于快速构建自定义设计 Documentation for the Tailwind CSS framework. Polybar - A fast and easy-to-use tool for creating status bars Polybar - A fast and easy-to-use tool for creating status bars GitHub-shanghai / refind-dreary:一个基于evanpurkhiser /...
参考TailwindCSS 文档在uni-app项目中安装配置TailwindCSS。你无需禁用preflight,也无需调整原有语法(如.w-[200.5rpx]等),你只需要正常书写类名,该插件会替你处理剩下的事情。 安装依赖。 npm install @uni-helper/vite-plugin-uni-tailwind -D 配置vite.config.ts。
feat: migrate scroll button to tailwind 0683e20 fix: remove tailwind package … e5e28b8 fix: remove bloggrid breakpoint 3c27411 fix: remove blogtile breakpoint 4e92be0 fix: remove coming soon breakpoint c5ad92f fix: add global container at 1920px 37816a5 fix: replace post conten...
UnoCSS also supports the theming system that you might be familiar with in Tailwind / Windi. At the user level, you can specify the theme property in your config and it will be deep merged to the default theme.theme: { // ... colors: { 'veryCool': '#0000ff', // class="text-...
"tailwindcss": "3.x.x", "vitepress": "^1.0.0-beta.1", "vue": "^3.3.4" }, "postcss": { "plugins": { "tailwindcss/nesting": {}, "tailwindcss": { "config": { "content": [ "./.vitepress/**/*.{js,vue}", "./**/*.md" ] } } } } } Binary file added BIN +1...
tailwind.config.ts tsconfig.json vercel.json Repository files navigation README Eggspress is a lightweight blogging platform built on Next.js and React. It's designed to help anyone publish on the web—no command line needed. Best of all, it's lightning fast and completely free.1 For ...
vue-ads-pagination - A vue pagination component build with the css framework tailwindcss Animation vue2-animate - A Vue.js 2.0 port of Animate.css. For use with Vue's built-in transitions. animated-vue - A Vue.js 2.x plugin to easily use Animate.css animations as transitions. As easy...