2024年4月29日下午15:30,伦敦艺术学院宣讲会在学校二楼多功能会议室举行。 University of the Arts London Presentation was held at SUIS WY on 29th April (Monday) afternoon at 15:30 for our High School interested stu...
On March 11th, 2024 (Monday) morning, our SUIS WY G2 students were seated in the Thespis Hall, they had their first psychological lecture of this semester themed as focusing on Self-Discipline. 协和万源 每周简讯...
Ihavetocomebackhomebefore6:00.六点前我必须回到家。 ※常用开头结尾句 Therearetoomanyrulesinmyschool/home.我的学校/家有太多的规定。 Letmetellyousomethingaboutsomerulesofmyschool.让我告诉你一些关于我学校的一些规定。 Myparentswanttomakerulestohelpme.我父母想制订规定来帮助我。 Doyouhavealotofrules?你...
While UNC and Xavier are the leading vote-getters among unranked teams, keep an eye on Iowa (8-3), which will aim to build on wins against Minnesota and Iowa State when it faces Cincinnati in Chicago on Saturday. Additionally, Liberty (12-0) is off to the best start in sch...
Let's draw something here! All students in Grades 7-8 are welcome. You can take your pictures home.Thursday-Lego(乐高)ClubCome and have fun on Thursdays. You can work by yourself or with other students, and we can put your works in the school hall for all the students to enjoy....
You can work by yourself or with students, and we can put your works in the school hall for all the students to enjoy.Friday-Gardening(艺)ClubHere, you can see different plants and insects( )in the garden. You can also learn about how to look after them well...
In order to login, girok login Now you're ready to use all the features! 📚 4. Category Commands You can pre-definecategoriessuch asSchool,LifeandCareerwith automatically assigned category color. Girok supportsinfinite recursive subcategories. All the subcategories will be assigned with the color...
aWe go to school from Monday to Friday. We have no classes on Saturdays and Sundays. We usually get up at six, and have breakfast at 6:30. 我们去学校从星期一星期五。 我们在星期六和星期天没有类。 我们通常起来在六,并且吃早餐在6:30。[translate]...
2024年04月08日(周一)下午,新西兰奥克兰普基科希高中来访协和万源。 On April 08th, 2024 (Monday) afternoon, our school received a visit from the Pukekone High School. 协和万源 每周简讯 SUIS WY WEEKLY NEWS 高中部第...