“Bastard” and “Red Hot” thrashed with raw fury, while the bloodstained manifesto “Knock ‘Em Dead, Kid” proved you could take the band out of the gutter, but you couldn’t take the gutter out of the band. Factor in the band’s iconic leather-and-codpiece uniforms, and Shout at...
29. White Lion, 'Pride' (1987) It was a tried-and-true formula: Partner a blonde-maned, impossibly beautiful frontman of marginal talent with a reclusive whiz-kid guitarist and watch the money roll in. White Lion milked the blueprint to the tune of 2 million sales on their sophomore alb...
It started in second grade, and for no reason that anyone knows. There was a kid in my class named Steve. My enemy. A born bully, he had his radar locked onto me the very first year we met. Because he was the classic bully, needing to project strength to the other kids, he sense...
I got bullied a lot as a kid but there was never a point where I didn’t have friends and I still know some of them now, decades later. Generally, I was a pretty happy kid. I was abused from an early age and molested before six years old and it affected me and it hurt a lot...
The Saboscrivner is a librarian who writes about food in Orlando, Florida, and beyond. He is NOT an influencer; in fact, he takes perverse pride in having been called an "anti-influencer." Instead of a content creator, he proudly thinks of himself as a
theno sabo kidstyle and identity, which manifests as a form of linguistic discrimination towards U.S. Latinx youth. “Hashtag communities” were used to locate posts aboutno sabo kidson TikTok (N = 95), and videos were automatically and manually coded for salient linguistic and discursive ...