Hi, I was trying to compile kernel branch release-4.4 for RK3399, following Rockchip wikidot. But got error: No rule to make target 'zImage'. Stop. Also tried bzImage, not work either. It's possible that there's something wrong with the ...
When compiling the raspberry3-64 version of the OS with the following versions BB_VERSION = "1.38.0" BUILD_SYS = "x86_64-linux" NATIVELSBSTRING = "universal" TARGET_SYS = "aarch64-poky-linux" MACHINE = "raspberrypi3-64" DISTRO = "balena-...
Bitbake image took hours and went far (good sign) but I got a problem making target for a module i guess. Here below a copy of my problem log: << make[2]: *** No rule to make target 'arch/arm/boot/dts/imx6ull-14x14-evk-btwifi-sdio3_0.dt...
External firmware blobs to build into the kernel binary(取消这两个选项)保存退出后,再执行 make clean make zImage 编译通过!
编译设备树 -- make dtbs returns “no rule to make target ‘dtbs‘”,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
When I tried to compile Android, the following error happens: make: *** No rule to make target `kernel/arch/arm/boot/zImage', needed by `out/target/product/rk3288/kernel'. Stop. make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs... not sure if it is related Reply Use props Report mo...
PROCESSOR-SDK-AM335X: makefile error "No rule to make target" PVRSRVKM Arjun Rajendran Prodigy20points Part Number:PROCESSOR-SDK-AM335X Hi, I got an error while tried to make a pvrsrvkm module for the kernel version 5.4.106 module source:https:...
linux下make menuconfig不能使用。。。错误提示如下: No rule to make target 'menuconfig'. Stop. 标准的linux是支持这个命令的。要确认,该linux目录下的makefile没有被修改过,依然存在。
Android源码编译出错No rule to make... 在领导出差项目量产的节骨眼上,公司服务器出问题了,具体是硬盘问题,于是就派我这个刚入行半年的来重装ubuntu系统然后搭建服务器,好不容易在别人的指导下搭建起来了,却又出这样那样的问题(这些问题都是重新安装了ubuntu12.0.4之后)...
make[1]: *** No rule to make target ‘.depend.XXXX‘, needed by ‘.XX‘. Stop.解决 make]:fortarget'drivers/mtd/nand/libnand.o'failedmake:nandlibnand.o] 大概意思就是:在链接libnand.o时找不到s3c2440_nand的依赖文件。 后来仔细检查了makefile,确保了已经在makefile中添加了 ...