在C或C++编程中,警告信息“no return statement in function returning non-void [-werror=return-type]”指出了一个常见的编译时问题。以下是对这个问题的详细解释和建议: 警告信息的含义: 这个警告表明,在一个应该返回非void类型值的函数中,编译器没有找到任何return语句。在C和C++中,如果一个函数被声明为返回...
plz help me out form this error " Compilation error: no return statement in function returning non-void [-Werror=return-type] " Poko-AppscommentedFeb 10, 2023• edited Hey there . 'postedSSID' function supposed to return a String value , but it's not returning any hence the error . ...
exit status 1- Compilation error: no return statement in function returning non-void [-Werror=return-type] you just need add in the String postedSSID() this line: return postedSSID; should be like this: String postedSSID() { String postedSSID = input("s"); ...
ser-unix.c: In function 'hardwire_drain_output': ser-unix.c:335:1: warning: no return statement in function returning non-void [-Wreturn-type] 有个帖子说“编译过程中遇到莫名奇妙的报错,例如:ser-unix.c:118:1: error: conflicting types for ‘get_tty_state’,清理干净configure目录,使用root用...
'AddressOf' expressions are not valid in debug windows 'AddressOf' expressions are not valid in the first expression of a 'Select Case' statement 'AddressOf' operand must be the name of a method (without parentheses) Aggregate function name cannot be used with a type character Alias '<name...
ajax function from partial view always go to error message, Please help Ajax success function not working after calling a method from controller ajax tag helpers in asp.net core 3.1.1 ajax with return Json(new { success = false}) return black page with responseText rather than alert ajax.beg...
private assertInputsProvided(): void { if (!this.userId) { throw (new Error("The required input [userId] was not provided")); } } public ngOnInit(): void { // Ensure the input bindings are actually provided at run-time this.assertInputsProvided(); } Knowing...
Ideally, the macro should also be able to detect the presence of an existing summary statement, and get confirmation from the user before overwriting its contents. In this, you are greatly aided by the availability of the DocComment property on most code element interfaces, including CodeFunction...
function check ()nearest_player = check_for_nearest_player();if nearest_player thenreturn attack() -- jump_to_stateendreturn idle() -- go throu ;)endfunction idle ()play( "scratch_arse" );wait( 5 )play( "look_around_aimlessly" );return check() -- jump_to_stateendfunction attack ...
[...] In function 'bool mcp23008Init()': [...]:2570:1: warning: no return statement in function returning non-void [-Wreturn-type] The line corresponds to the end of the mcp23008Init function. setup () { [...] if(i2cScan(0,0x20)) { //look for MCP23008 (bus 0, addr 20)...