The wicked shall not rest. 解释:这句话与'no rest for the wicked'意思相近,都表达了坏人最终会得到应有的惩罚,无法安心休息的意思。 The guilty will not find peace. 解释:这句话用'guilty'替换了'wicked',但意思基本相同,都是指做了坏事的人会受到应有的报应。 ...
“no rest for the wicked”的翻译为“恶有恶报;坏人不得安宁”。 这个短语通常用来表达坏人或做坏事的人最终会得到应有的惩罚或不会得到安宁。例如,在英文中可以说:“He always cheats on his exams, but he doesn't realize that no rest for the wicked.”(他总是考试作弊,但他没有意识到恶有恶报。)...
《No Rest For The Wicked》是Lykke Li演唱的一首歌曲,由Lykke Li、Björn Yttling填词谱曲,收录在专辑《I Never Learn》中。 乐曲内容 My one heart hurt another So only one life can't just enough Can you give me just another Lonely I, I'm so alone now There'll be no rest for the ...
No rest for the wicked No piece in my soul No rest for the wicked No place I can go No rest for the wicked No piece in my soul No rest for the wicked No place I can go No rest for the wicked No piece in my soul No rest for the wicked No place I can go ...
Cypress Hill - No Rest For The Wicked
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no rest for the wicked on a place like this and not much for the virtuous. 意思是:这里不是坏人休息的地方,也不适合好人休息。 分析总结。 这里不是坏人休息的地方也不适合好人休息结果一 题目 no rest for the wicked on a place like this andot much for the virtuou神马意思? 答案 no rest for...