当你遇到“no resources found in default namespace.”的错误时,这通常意味着在Kubernetes的默认命名空间中没有找到任何预期的资源。以下是根据你提供的提示,分步解答这个问题的方法: 确认集群状态是否正常 首先,你需要检查Kubernetes集群的状态是否正常。可以使用kubectl cluster-info命令来查看集群的基本信息,或者使用ku...
Error from server: Get dial tcp connect: connection refused 【备注:节点处于联机状态并且可以运行pod,但是从kube-apiserver到节点的连接失败,并显示“ x509:未知授权机构签名的证书”。】 网上搜索...
K8s命令 No resources found in default namespace k8s resourceversion,文章目录概述资源类别访问KubernetesRESTAPIspec字段和status字段资源管理概述kubernetes系统的资源管理是通过APIServer完成的。APIServer通过HTTP/HTTPS来接收客户端的资源操作请求,完成对资源的管
[root@node1~]# kubectlgetstatefulset NAME READY AGE mysql57-pod0/124s #2查看详情 [root@node1~]# kubectl describe statefulset mysql57-pod Name: mysql57-pod Namespace:defaultCreationTimestamp: Sun,17Apr202216:10:36+0800Selector: app=my-sql57 Labels:<none>Annotations:<none>Replicas:1desired ...
kubernetes 部署 nginx ,使用 kubectl get deployment 时出现 No resources found in default namespace. 首先我确保了master和nodes节点的正常运行,还有各个组件处于健康状态 使用kubectl 命令创建监听 80 端口的 Nginx Pod(Kubernetes 运行容器的最小单元) kubectl run nginx --image=nginx --port=80...
No resources found in default namespace. VaishalinickycommentedJan 10, 2021 NamespaceLifecycle,NamespaceExists,LimitRanger,SecurityContextDeny,ServiceAccount,ResourceQuota Do you mean we should change this in /etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-apiserver.yaml ...
It seems like it should show a message like No resources found in default namespace. similar to when you do kubectl get deployment. /triage accepted Indeed. I used to have version 1.23.3, and this command was freezing in both cases (with or without a deployment). After upgrading to 1.26...
Namespace: Android.Telephony Assembly: Mono.Android.dll Caution This constant will be removed in the future version. Use Android.Telephony.SmsResult enum directly instead of this field. There are insufficient resources to process the request. C# 複製 [Android.Runtime.Register("RESULT_RIL_NO_...
LocalResources LocalServer LocalServerAudit LocalServerWarning LocalsWindow LocalTest LocalVariable LocateAll 尋找Control 鎖定 LockedLink LockXAxis LockYAxis LockZAxis 記錄 LogError LoginName LoginScreen LoginStatus LoginUser LoginWindowsAuthentication LogPopulation LogPopulationError LogPopulationWarning LogPro...
kubectl get pod 提示 No resources found in default namespace kubectl get pod -o wide,系列目录上一节我们介绍了一些基本的命令,这一节我们介绍一些更为复杂的命令.pod排序使用kubectlgetpod获取pod资源默认是以名称排序的,有些时候我们可能希望按其它顺序排序.比如说