I am trying to set up Ignition on a Ubuntu VM (WSL2) that has GPU hardware acceleration for both rendering and computation (via the new WSLg). It works almost fine; I get a window that is rendered, responsive and GPU accelerated; however...
Version Phaser Version: tested on 3.54 and 3.55.2 Description No camera postrender event with Phaser.CANVAS. If switch to Phaser.WEBGL than event fires. Example Test Code Example
Variant of F:Android.Resource+Style.ThemeDeviceDefault with no action bar and no status bar. C# 複製 [Android.Runtime.Register("Theme_DeviceDefault_NoActionBar_Fullscreen")] public const int ThemeDeviceDefaultNoActionBarFullscreen = 16974122; Field Value Value = 16974122 Int32 Attributes ...
@RenderBody() doesn't work @section Scripts in a partial view @Url.Action Does not Work @using ReportViewerForMvc could not be found $.validator = "undefined", and $.validator.unobtrusive as "object is null or undefined" $().load Partial View $(document).Ready not executing for Partial...
With the computer in question, I can see the NAS on the network and can ping it using IP address. When I click on it under network, I can open the setup app on the NAS. But, when I try to map a network drive to it, I get the error message noted above. Another Windows 10 com...
irony (D) render bland (B) inhibited .. propaganda (E) make equal (C) demonstrated.. hyperbole (D) masked.. exaggeration 31. IMPLAUSIBLE: (E) vindicated.. understatement (A) admirable (B) believable 4. It would seem that absolute qualities in art us, that we cannot escape (C) ...
You need to design your pages and navigation in a way that matches what you want your visitors to do and makes it as easy as possible for them to do it Without defined user flow, some of your visitors won’t even know what it is that you want them to do. If you don’t make it...
(Phys.org) —A small team of researchers at Bell Labs in New Jersey has built a camera that has no lens. Instead, as they explain in their paper they've uploaded to the preprint server arXiv, the camera uses a LCD array, a photoelectric sensor and a comp
Yes, slowing the spread, not stopping the spread. This was never about stopping a pandemic. Even the lockdown advocates never advocated that. But somehow that has been forgotten and “15 days to flatten the curve” has turned into a never-ending carte blanche for the biosecurity state to im...
and row, in the active area of the button, that was touched. The `0 is the type of touch action, in this case just a TOUCH. Others actions include CLICK, PRESS, DOWN, DRAG and UP When the touch area is defined it includes a filter on what types of touch actions it will respond ...