关于Portal REST API 目录 门户与较早版本 ArcGIS 的兼容性 ArcGIS URL 组成 常见问题及解决方案 返回顶部 无可用管理员帐户时恢复门户 如果发现所有门户管理员凭据均已删除或未知,可以使用“创建管理员帐户”实用程序创建一个新的临时管理员。这是包含在 Portal for ArcGIS 中的命令行实...
We tried to run PowerShell DSC on a three server deployment in Azure. The Script failed on implementing the SSLCertificate in Portal as it gets not token. From our perspective it is because of these lines: arcgis-powershell-dsc/Modules/A...
No ArcGIS Pro, altere o caminho de transformação do mapa que contém as camadas paraantes de publicar as camadas no Portal for ArcGIS. Propriedades do Mapa, clique em.
If you find yourself in a situation in which all portal administrator credentials have been deleted or are unknown, you can create a new temporary administrator using the Create Administrator Account utility.This is a command line utility included withPortal for ArcGISand is l...
En el cuadro de diálogoLicenciamiento, enConfigurar las opciones de licencias, asegúrese de que la URL comience con el prefijohttpspara ArcGIS Online o Portal for ArcGIS. Haga clic enAceptarpara confirmar los cambios. Introduzca las credenciales para iniciar sesión en ArcGIS Online ...
Triggers when a regulatory compliance assessment is created in Microsoft Defender for Cloud and matches the evaluation criteria configured in an automation. Note: automated running of this trigger requires enabling automation in Microsoft Defender for Cloud. To do so, visit Microsoft Defender for Cloud...
https://mymachinename.maps.arcgis.com/sharing/oauth2/approve? oauth_state=a_very_long_alpha_numeric_character_set and I get the option to approve the app I registered before. When I press approve, the firefox window resets, and goes back to requesting my portal URL. In the command window...
Os usuários com contratos de licença por termo devem atualizar os arquivos de licença do Portal for ArcGIS periodicamente. Às vezes, é necessário alterar o número de usuários nomeados em um arquivo de
Portal for ArcGIS 管理者アカウントが使用できないときのポータルの復旧 すべてのポータル管理者の認証情報が削除されているか不明の場合、管理者アカウント作成ユーティリティを使用して新しい管理者を一時的に作成できます。このコマンド ライン ユーティリティは...
There is an ArcGIS Server 10.9.1 Stale Query Patch available now at:https://support.esri.com/en/download/8028. ID del error: BUG-000146814 Software: Portal for ArcGIS