(in second) : 60 Authentication Server 1 : Port:1812 Weight:80 [UP] Vrf:- LoopBack:NULL Vlanif:NULLSource IP: Server 1 : Port:1813 Weight:80 [UP] Vrf:- LoopBack:NULL Vlanif:NULL Source IP: :: --- 如果已配置,则服务器上添加的设备IP...
(in second) : 60 Authentication Server 1 : Port:1812 Weight:80 [UP] Vrf:- LoopBack:NULL Vlanif:NULLSource IP: Server 1 : Port:1813 Weight:80 [UP] Vrf:- LoopBack:NULL Vlanif:NULL Source IP: :: --- 如果已配置,则服务器上添加的设备IP...
Packet sent with a source address of Mar 26 09:16:21.217: ISAKMP: (0):SA request profile is ISAKMP-PROFILE Mar 26 09:16:21.217: ISAKMP: (0):Created a peer struct for, peer port 500 Mar 26 09:16:21.217: ISAKMP: (0):New peer created peer = 0x80007...
CellInfoCallback TelephonyManager.ModemErrorException TelephonyManager.NetworkSlicingException TelephonyManager.TimeoutException TelephonyManager.UssdResponseCallback TelephonyManagerErrorCode TelephonyScanManager TelephonyScanManager.NetworkScanCallback UiccApplicationType UiccCardInfo UiccCardInfo.InterfaceConsts UiccPortInfo ...
This is an iperf3 test wlan-->lan ; wlan--->device. asvio@MSI-7D25:~$ iperf3 -c -P 8 ; iperf3 -c -P 8 Connecting to host, port 5201 ... [SUM] 0.00-10.00 sec 704 MBytes 590 Mbits/sec 4480 sender [SUM] 0.00-10.00 sec 694 MBytes 58...
Running windows. The com port is detected no problems on the PC and I can successfully connecting with terminal windows, sniffer, c# program. The mbed program simply runs in loopback and sends a periodic text string. I have tested with 3 terminal applications. 1 and 2 send and receive the...
Reference Feedback Definition Namespace: Android.Telephony Assembly: Mono.Android.dll Caution This constant will be removed in the future version. Use Android.Telephony.DataFailCauseType enum directly instead of this field. The requested APN is not included in the user's profile, and therefore...
interface Port-channel20 ip address no negotiation auto mpls ipend ASR9K Aqui está a configuração do ASR9K, que atua como BNG PWHE. RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:ACDC-ASR9000-1#show bundle bundle-ether 20 Thu May 21 06:35:...
(CDB) na flash. A partir do softwareCisco IOS®XE SD-WAN 16.10.1, o bit 15 pode ser definido como 1 para ignorar a configuração, portanto o registro de configuração é, por exemplo, 0xA102. Este é um resultado do bit 15 at (0x8000) em combinação com o ...
The method HandleForwardedPortCollisions::port_check() in handle_forwarded_port_collisions.rb should include a check if the given IPv4 address is a loopback address by calling Addrinfo#ipv4_loopback?Instead ofif test_host_ip == "" || ipv4_interfaces.detect { |iface| iface[1] ==...