From the man page on Plugins it seems a configuration xml should be present, but since I lack the folder to begin with, I have no clue how to tell Jellyfin there is a plugin, or what files I need to add manually to get everything in order. Tried uninstalling and reinstalling, tried ...
$ npm install eslint-plugin-no-relative-import-paths --save-dev Configuration Add the plugin to the plugins section, and configure the rule options. {"plugins": ["no-relative-import-paths"],"rules": {"no-relative-import-paths/no-relative-import-paths": ["warn", {"allowSameFolder":true...
package.json Version bump Jan 3, 2024 phpunit.xml Removing technical debt Aug 14, 2019 version.known Version bump Jan 3, 2024 README Code of conduct License Security Known: a social group platform Installation One-click Known sites If you want to install on your own web space, we recommend...
Stage[main]/Certs::Qpid_client/Cert[capsule.internal-qpid-client-cert]/ensure: change from 'absent' to 'present' failed: Execution of '/bin/yum install -y capsule.internal-q pid-client-cert' returned 1: Loaded plugins: aliases, changelog, enabled_repos_upload, langpacks, [ERROR 2020-06-...
{"plugins": ["stylelint-no-unresolved-module"],"rules": {"plugin/no-unresolved-module": {"alias": {"assets":"pebbles"},"modules": ["node_modules","local_modules"] } } } Assuming file system like this: .├── package.json ├── index.css ├── milo/ │ └── macy.css ├...
One thing that surprises me is that when I click install inside Pycharm I'll get a lille notification confirming the install, but after that I can still click 'install package' - I would assume that button should change after the install. 0 Sergey...
安装# 安装eslint npm install eslint --save-dev # 初始化配置,eslint同时可作为命令行工具使用 ...3.使用eslint 大多数IDE都自带eslint插件,在编写代码的时候会按照eslint的规则进行代码提示。...4. vite集成eslint 安装插件vite-plugin-eslint(,配置...
Linux RedHat无法安装软件问题(No package gcc available. Nothing to do)的一些坑! 在一个新的Linux服务器上安装nginx的时候,命令都不能解析,缺少gcc编辑器,安装gcc的命令也出错。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 [root@localhost~]# yum -y install gcc Loaded plugins: katello, product-id, security, subscription-...
Since some days is not possible to connect to wsl anymore using clion and remote development. This happens on two different Windows 11 machines. I've restarted the PC and also wsl from command line but no luck. The error log is longer (193k lines) i've cut it. ...
Snap parts are recipes to build a piece of software and are driven via plugins. For ROS, you solely want to install the ROS Debian package, no source code involved, you can use the nil plugin as follows:parts: ros2-galactic-extension: plugin: nil ...