} 重启应用并验证问题是否解决: 在对配置文件或代码进行修改后,重启你的应用程序,并检查是否还会出现“no persistence unit with name 'default' found”的错误。 如果以上步骤仍然无法解决问题,可能需要进一步检查你的项目依赖、类路径设置或其他相关配置。
No persistence unit with name 'ReserveSystem_orcl' found问题补充:匿名 2013-05-23 12:21:38 持久性单元没有名称'reservesystem_orcl“的发现 匿名 2013-05-23 12:23:18 没有持久性单元的名称“reservesystem_orcl找到 匿名 2013-05-23 12:24:58 坚持单位与命名‘ReserveSystem_orcl’没有发现 ...
Double-check your spelling of persistence.xml If the persistence.xml file is spelled incorrectly, has the wrong file extension, or is cased incorrectly, theno persistence.xml file founderror appears. The name, extension and casing of the persistence.xml fil...
(TenantResolver.class, new PersistenceUnitLiteral(persistenceUnitName)); } if (!resolverInstance.isAvailable()) { throw new IllegalStateException(String.format(Locale.ROOT, "No instance of %1$s was found for persistence unit %2$s. " + "You need to create an implementation for this interface...
Deploying Hibernate entity classes as a static module in EAP Encountering an error when deploying an application that contains a persistence unit (persistence.xml) that references the entity classes Raw ... javax.persistence.PersistenceException: [PersistenceUnit: com.myco.jpa] Unable to build EntityMa...
Exception when deploying a persistence unit with an entity with aNamedQuery Raw java.lang.IllegalStateException: No data type for node: org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.tree.IdentNode +-[IDENT] IdentNode: 'NAME' {originalText=NAME} The entity is defined as follows: ...
<property name="hibernate.dialect" value="org.hibernate.dialect.HSQLDialect"/> <property name="hibernate.show_sql" value="true"/> <property name="hibernate.format_sql" value="true"/> </properties> </persistence-unit> 我的代码 ...
@PersistenceUnit(unitName="titan") privateEntityManagerFactory factory; @PersistenceContext(unitName="titan") privateEntityManager manager; ILogger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(); @Override publicvoidflushModeTestExample() { //adding first Cabin ...
public void postProcessPersistenceUnitInfo(MutablePersistenceUnitInfo pui) { URL rootUrl = pui.getPersistenceUnitRootUrl(); String newRootUrl = rootUrl.toString(); int metaInfIndex = newRootUrl.indexOf( "META-INF" ); // these aren't the droids you're looking for if (metaInfIndex == ...