那是因为没有设置"enable password",先用console口登陆路由器,输入:2801a#config t Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.2801a(config)#enable password 0 cisco //配置特权模式密码为"cisco"明文显示(也可使用加密显示)2801a(config)#然后再telnet试试。
ERR Client sent AUTH,but no password is set 问题产生原因: 就是Redis服务器没有设置密码,但客户端向其发送了AUTH(authentication,身份验证)请求携带着密码,导致报错。 既然是没有设置密码导致的报错,那我们就把Redis服务器给设置上密码就好了。 设置密码有两种方式: 1. 通过命令行方式 1.1 进入redis的服务器 1...> auth 123456 (error) ERR Client sent AUTH, but no password is set 4、需要命令设置密码,命令如下:> config set requirepass 12345 OK 出现OK了,说明设置成功 5、再尝试登录 redis> AUTH 123456 (error) ERR invalid password 仔细看,发现密码输入跟前面设置...
解决ERRClientsentAUTH,butnopasswordisset”错误"ERR Client sent AUTH, but no password is set”这个错误,参考的⽅案可较快解决,他提供两种⽅案:⼀,Linux/Unix下:1,打开redis配置⽂件redis.conf。sudo nano /etc/redis/redis.conf 2,找到如下内容(若没有,则在配置⽂件末尾加上),去掉前⾯...
Redis服务器没有设置密码,但客户端向其发送了AUTH(authentication,身份验证)请求。 【解决办法】 确定Redis启动时指定是哪个配置文件。 如上图是 redis.windows.conf 文件,用文本编辑工具打开文件,找到“requirepass”,去掉注释设置密码。 编辑完后保存,重新启动Redis,再运行程序,OK。
redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisDataException: ERR Client sent AUTH, but no password is set 运行很久的环境竟然不能登陆了,查看报的错误,与redis auth关系,因为多服务器的session存在redis上,redis连接失败导致不能保存用户的登陆session。还好这个问题是在测试环境发生的,没有引发太大问题。
There is nothing wrong with the mail provider as the account works perfectly on my other iOS device and also on my MacOS device. It stopped working on transition from iPhone 11 to 12. It appears to be software related as it refuses to acknowledge the password that it entered. Does ...
Sidekiq.configure_serverdo|config|config.redis={url:'redis://my-instance-name',password:'my-password',sentinels:[{host: ...,port: ...}],}end 4 and 5. I cannot see config files. alexesDev commentedon May 21, 2019 alexesDev Сonnection instructions for other languages ...
My c3745 printed "No password set" when I tried to get to the enable mode. So, I tried to do password-recovery, but it is always in the user-mode mode despite the attempts to type "Cntrl-Break", "Alt-b", "Cntrl-C" during the initial reload. It failed to go into the Rommon ...
Thanks for the response, I updated to use the default password as described here: https://docs.ray.io/en/master/configure.html But still have the same issue. I didn't set any explicit password so I assumed the default would be relevant. File "/usr/src/xxx/xxx/xxx.py", line 288, ...