I f a parent was divor c e d or less happy in his or her marriage, the r e is a greater tendency for children to follo w suit.T h e goo d news is that thes e findings tel I only hal f th e story . Other rescarch shows t hat passing on negativ e family characters fro ...
If a parent was divorced or less happy in his or her marriage, there is a greater tendency for children to follow suit. The good news is that these findings tell only half the story. Other researchs show that passing on negative family characters from generation to generation isn’t a ...
pardon/‘pa:dn/n.原谅;赦免vt.原谅 parent/‘peərənt/n.父亲,母亲,双亲 park/pa:k/n.公园;停车场 parliament/‘pa:ləmənt/n.议会,国会 part/pa:t/n.一部分;零件;本份 partial/‘pa:ʃəl/a.部分的;不公平的 participate/pa:’tisipeit/vi.参与,参加;分享 particle/‘pa:tikl/n...
All the above feels easier said than done, especially as a tired parent facing an intolerable child. 5 Your efforts will end up with children’s better behaviour overall. A. They mean what they say. B. This isn’t to say it’ll come easily. C. It might save tears in the short te...
studies show a connection betweenchild raising attitudes and behaviors among parents and those oftheir adult children.Ifa parent was divorced or less happy in his orher marriage,there is a greater tendency for children to follow suit.T hegood news is that these findings tell only half the ...
As a matter of fact, there is no perfect family of origin in the world, and no one is a perfect parent. We more or less move forward with the pain in our life. The main difference between perfect life and imperfect life hinges upon the drive that everyone wants to grow up. ...
The first one of course will be your spouse, partner, parent, best friend or close relative. Someone that you want there with you at the hospital or, if need be, making decisions on your behalf. But what if that person is also injured, or is out of town or forgot to charge their ...
Tiffany is a 29-year-old mother from Washington, DC. In this chapter she discusses her depression following the birth of her daughter and offers what she learned through outpatient mental health treatment regarding coming to terms with becoming a mother and understanding emotions related to her ...
There is no such thing as “the perfect parent” and everyone has to learn how to educate their children. Parents may be annoyed by their kids and yell (大喊) at then, but they should be careful not to yell at the children. Children need to be loved and cared for. They need positive...