确保Zabbix Agent的配置文件(通常是/etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.conf)中的设置是正确的。特别是以下配置项: Server=<Zabbix-Server-IP>:确保这个配置项指向正确的Zabbix Server IP地址。 Hostname=<Agent-Hostname>:确保这个配置项与Zabbix Server中配置的Agent主机名相匹配。 你可以使用文本编辑器(如...
I have a Zabbix trapper text item from which I need to configure a trigger which fires for any new value, and which automatically turns to OK in case no value is received for a given timeout (60s for example). I tried different expression without success (See my post here:https://www...
After upgrading to 2.4.7 I've noticed in part of the cases agent.ping check was disabled due to this improvement and agent.ping.nodata() trigger didn't work at all. Here is fixed check what I expect to work in 100% of cases: {Template_Zabbix_Agent:zabbix[host,agent,available].max(...
maxlines - zabbix agent 向 server 或者 proxy 发送最大的行数。 这个参数覆盖配置文件 zabbxi_agentd.conf 中的’MaxLinesPerSecond’ mode - 可选值:all (默认), skip (跳过处理老数据).mode 参数从 2.0 版本开始支持 output - 可选项,输出格式模板. 示例: log[/var/log/syslog] log[/var/log/syslog,...
To perform the attack, SAML authentication is required to be enabled and the actor has to know the username of Zabbix user (or use the guest account, which is disabled by default). qq1549176285/CVE-2022-23131 jweny/zabbix-saml-bypass-exp Mr-xn/cve-2022-23131 1mxml/CVE-2022-23131 0...
--- ID: configure_proftpd_mod_core Function: file.managed Name: /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf Result: True Comment: File /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf updated Started: 21:23:13.881483 Duration: 261.996 ms Changes: --- diff: --- +++ @@ -32,55 +32,3 @@ HideFiles (welcome.msg) </Dire 分享...
Add Zabbix template 12个月前 server Fix the issue of unknown statement type 9天前 service add GridDB Service 3年前 utility Update for V5.7 3个月前 APACHE-2.0.txt first release 9年前 CLA_rev1.1.pdf fix revision no. 9年前 EULA for GridDB Community Edition.pdf ...
yum安装Zabbix java jdk环境搭建 tomcat守护程序安装设置 【神州数码】Port-Access-list 【神州数码】Mac-Access-List zabbix Too many processes on 【神州数码】DHCP防洪 Zabbix正常启动服务,但是没有端口 【神州数码】ARP防洪 Zabbix-server报错 找不到libmysqlclient.so.18 【神州数码】环回监测 【神州数码】二级隔离(...
Zabbix supports a {TRIGGER.VALUE} macro, which returns the current trigger status as an integer (0 – ok, 1 – problem) and can be used directly in trigger expressions.Let’s have a look at this example:({TRIGGER.VALUE}=0 & {Oracle DB1:system.cpu.load.last()} > 2) | ({TRIGGER...
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