在WINDOWS下是没有这两个东西的,在官网http://pexpect.readthedocs.org/en/stable/install.html你可以看到requirement里面有一句话As of version 4.0, Pexpect can be used on Windows and POSIX systems. However,pexpect.spawnandpexpect.run()are only available on POSIX...
Hello, I'm trying to run the basic example. I have several LLMs working and have used Huggingface Hub to download them, for reference. However, I get this error in the title. Indeed this file is not found in: /home/user/.local/lib/python...
done Ignoring llama-cpp-python: markers 'platform_system == "Windows"' don't match your environment Collecting accelerate==0.18.0 Downloading accelerate-0.18.0-py3-none-any.whl (215 kB) ━━━ 215.3/215.3 kB 2.3 MB/s eta 0:00:00 Collecting colorama Downloading ...
06-07-2022 03:08 AM 3,231 Views Zhiming_Liu NXP TechSupport 1.Install host packages on your host $ sudo apt-get install gawk wget git-core diffstat unzip texinfo gcc-multilib \ build-essential chrpath socat cpio python python3 python3-pip python3-pexpect \ xz-ut...
async-timeout 4.0.3 libaec 1.1.2 python-graphviz 0.20.1 atk-1.0 2.38.0 libarrow 12.0.1 python-json-logger 2.0.7 attr 2.5.1 libbrotlicommon 1.0.9 python-tzdata 2023.3 attrs 23.1.0 libbrotlidec 1.0.9 python-xxhash 3.4.1 autopage 0.5.2 libbrotlienc 1.0.9 python_abi 3.10 aws-c-auth...
Python version: 3.9.12 Qt version: 5.9.7 PyQt version: 2.0.1 Operating System name/version: Windows 10 Dependencies Mandatory: atomicwrites >=1.2.0 : 1.4.0 (OK) chardet >=2.0.0 : 4.0.0 (OK) cloudpickle >=0.5.0 : 2.0.0 (OK) cookiecutter >=1.6.0 : ...
Pilen 1.3.0 lerc 4.0.0 python-dateutil 2.8.2 asttokener 2.4.0 liac-arff 2.5.0 python-fastjsonschema 2.18.1 astunparse 1.6.3 libabseil 20230125.3 python-flatbuffers 23.5.26 asynkron tidsavbrudd 4.0.3 libaec 1.1.2 python-graphviz 0.20.1 atk-1.0 2.38.0 libarrow 12.0.1 python-json-logg...
56 raspberrypi python3[25033]: from twisted.internet import abstract, defer, error, fdesc, main, threads Jan 12 14:39:56 raspberrypi python3[25033]: File "/var/lib/thingsboard_gateway/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/twisted/internet/defer.py", line 42, in <module> Jan 12 14:39:56...
Issue looks to be related to ansible python package version and works fine with ansible==5.4.0 / ansible-core-2.12.3 as of now . ~/ansible_galaxy_v101/ansible-junos-stdlib/tests# pip freeze ansible==5.4.0 ansible-core==2.12.3 bcrypt==4.0.1 cffi==1.15.1 colorama==0.4.6 configparser...
(automl-meta-learning) [miranda9@golubh1 bin]$ conda update -n base -c defaults conda Solving environment: done ## Package Plan ## environment location: /usr/local/anaconda/5.2.0/python3 added / updated specs: - conda The following packages will be downloaded: package | build ---|---...