1. PS: 如果遇到“No package XXX available”这样的报错的话,有可能是下面两个方面的原因 1. DNS问题,查看DNS是否可以成功解析 2. 镜像链接错误,如果是镜像链接错误的话,尝试下面操作: sudoyuminstallepel-release 1. 如还是报错的话,需要手动安装epel cd/tmpwgethttps://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-...
针对“no package netstat available”的问题,我们可以按照以下步骤进行解决: 确认操作系统类型: 首先,需要确定你正在使用的操作系统。不同的操作系统可能包含不同的网络工具或命令。 查找合适的netstat替代工具或命令: Linux/Unix系统: 在许多现代Linux发行版中,netstat命令可能已经被ss命令或ip命令所取代。你可以使...
Any help with covering the costs via GitHub Sponsorship would be much appreciated. It's thanks to the support of the community that this project is able to be freely available for everyone :)ContributorsCredit to the following users for contributing to Web-Check...
The release is available on: GitHub release npm package (@latest dist-tag) Your semantic-release bot 📦🚀 github-actions bot added the released label Feb 8, 2023 Kyu mentioned this issue Apr 23, 2023 Nmap port scan crashes the entire app on iOS 16 #173 Closed cakesoft-vijaysingh...
No package XXX available 在CentOS上配置基于主机的入侵检测系统 CentOS 6重启网卡报错“没有找到合适的设备”解决方法 Linux系统重装为Windows系统后如何读取原EXT类型数据盘 Windows系统重装为Linux系统后如何读写原 NTFS 类型的数据盘 服务器设置禁ping后如何测试网络和端口延迟情况 Linux中ss命令 Linux流量监控工具 -...
and a nmap command from another computer shows that it is listening on port 4000/tcp. And a connection from that other computer while at the login screen worked, and I was able to log in. But, the behavior is inconsistent. I rebooted and tried again and the remote client showed <No a...
Nmap how to scan RDP open port 3333 or 3392 only for RDP, NO ENOUGH STOARGE TO COMPLETE THIS OPERATION No internet access on remote desktop server No Internet for End Devices - Long InitialTimeouts/Delays (CRL Check is disabled via IE) No Remote Desktop License Is Specified No UDP enabled...
Linux命令之nmap:如何安装nmap以及使用nmap命令 Linux搭建NFS服务器 linux下watch命令的使用 yum语法和常用命令 Windows防火墙指定特定IP访问服务器 MySQL忘记root密码如何破解重置 Linux-权限管理 Linux系统root用户登录后显示“-bash-4.2#“的解决办法 安装MySQL出现starting the server错误的解决方法 如何使用 journalctl ...
Calling NMAP from PowerShell and capturing the results Calling one PowerShell Script from Another Calling powershell script from C# code with administrator privileges Calling powershell Script in an HTML Button OnClick function calling psexec with powershell Calling Start-Process with arguments with spac...
7.NMAP Nmapis an Android tool that allows us to scan any network to find out vulnerabilities. This app is widely used by ethical Hackers to find the loopholes in any network system. You can use it on both rooted as well as non-rooted Android devices. But, rooted phones will have access...