针对你遇到的“no package 'glfw3' found”错误,我们可以从以下几个方面进行检查和解决: 确认是否已安装GLFW库: 首先,你需要确认你的系统上是否已经安装了GLFW库。GLFW是一个开源的图形库,用于创建OpenGL上下文以及接收输入等。如果你不确定是否已安装,可以通过在终端或命令提示符中输入相应的命令来检查。 对于不同...
Thanks @gr3yknigh1 . Allow me to do some debug with the package you shared. The reason why it was moved is because anything that has to do with Development on Intel Graphics has to be handled in this forum, we're the specialists on development, ...
during mujoco-py installation, /tmp/pip-install-rsxccpmh/mujoco-py/mujoco_py/gl/osmesashim.c:1:23: fatal error: GL/osmesa.h: No such file or directory compilation terminated. error: command 'gcc' failed with exit status 1 might appear. I...
\ -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON \ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \ -DUSE_SYSTEM_GLEW=ON \ -DUSE_SYSTEM_GLFW=ON \ -DUSE_SYSTEM_JPEG=ON \ -DUSE_SYSTEM_PNG=ON \ -DUSE_SYSTEM_PYBIND11=ON make -j 1 Error message [ build git:(makepkg) |2] LANG=en_US make -j 1 [ 1%] Built target ...
Thanks @gr3yknigh1 . Allow me to do some debug with the package you shared. The reason why it was moved is because anything that has to do with Development on Intel Graphics has to be handled in this forum, we're the specialists on development,...
Step#2- "gpu": Successfully built dronekit gym box2d jieba pinyin pycurl pymavlink python-speech-features snownlp future PyOpenGL Box2D-kengz glfw Step#2- "gpu": Failed to build mujoco-py Contributor machinautcommentedOct 25, 2018 The python packagelockfileis required -- and should be required...
I am having issue withModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'ray.rllib.agents.maddpg'whenimport ray.rllib.agents.maddpg.maddpg as maddpg. I happened when I tried to run thepython3 run_maddpg.pyat cloned the following git repository https://github.com/wsjeon/maddpg-rllib ...
Thanks @gr3yknigh1 . Allow me to do some debug with the package you shared. The reason why it was moved is because anything that has to do with Development on Intel Graphics has to be handled in this forum, we're the specialists on development, which cannot...
Thanks @gr3yknigh1 . Allow me to do some debug with the package you shared. The reason why it was moved is because anything that has to do with Development on Intel Graphics has to be handled in this forum, we're the specialists on development, which...
sudo apt-get install librealsense2-gl-dev sudo apt-get install libglfw3-dev I don't know why librealsense2-gl-dev is not install with sudo apt install librealsense2-* but this is it. In case you can't find package librealsense2-gl, follow this: https://github.com/IntelRealSense/...