第一种: 依次执行以下命令解决 1,cd /home 2,wget http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/6/x86_64/epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm 3,rpm -ivh epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm 4,yum install XXX 第二种:(更简单的) yum installhttp://mirrors.hustunique.com/epel//6/x86_64/epel-release-6-8.noa...
方法二:更新yum 关于No package libtinfo.so.6 available错误,它表示当前yum仓库中没有找到libtinfo.so.6库包,可能是系统的yum源配置不正确或者未更新,可以尝试执行如下的令更新yum源并重新安装: yum update yum install ncurses-compat-libs 其中yum update命令将更新整个系统的软件包,包括yum本身,yum install ncurse...
Nopackagegavailable问题解决 No package g++ available问题解决 Fedora16下,我打开codeblocks后,写了一个小程序,结果要编译的时候显示“g++ ”不存在,我回到终端里面,输入yum install g++,结果No package g++ available,我就郁闷了,我自己电脑上上次也是这么装的额,怎么回事额。。。后来找了下,发现只要输入yum insta...
结果提示There are no packages available for installation,网上百度了很多方法,什么改host,json的都不行。偶然发现了这个大神的方法具体解决步骤: Package Control下载网址:Package Control下载链接下载之后将其解压后,将解压文件重新命名为:Package Control 严格按照上面明明,首字母记住要大些!!! 打开Sublime,点击:首选...
6.5的yum命令安装的时候出现如下错误: Setting up Install Process No package vim available. ...
Language packs no longer available MiracastView package cause sysprep error after upgrading a computer .NET Framework 4.5.1 (web installer) Network provider settings are removed during an in-place upgrade Operations fail if Windows 8 is improperly identified as a WTG installation ...
System has no available memory. Error code: arg1. This alarm is generated when there is no available memory during the server startup process. Alarm object: system Attribute Alarm IDAlarm SeverityAuto Clear 0x2C00004F Critical Yes Parameters NameMeaning arg1 Error code of t...
If your data is held in the Cloud how do you know who has access to the data? Where is it stored ? neatComponents makes robust Private Cloud hosting and management available to every organization in an easily managed and affordable package. Your data - your security - without compromises....
Describe the bug When I run #r "nuget: Azure.Identity, 1.10.1" I get \nuget\Projects\3360--a4a684bf-6f1e-44e7-8ba4-aff69777dc2d\Project.fsproj : error NU1101: Unable to find package Azure.Identity. No packages exist with this id in sourc...
Declare dependency in your Package.swift using .package(url: "https://github.com/owner/package", from: "1.0.0") Distribute Binary Frameworks as a Swift Package New target type .binaryTarget(name: "Emoji", url: https://example.com/Emoji/Emoji-1.0.0.xcframework.zip, checksum: "6d98......