centos-release-scl包通常用于提供软件集合(Software Collections)的仓库,这些软件集合包含了较新版本的软件,如Python、Ruby等。不同版本的CentOS可能支持不同版本的软件集合或仓库。 2. 搜索centos-release-scl包的可用性信息 根据我的知识库和当前的公开信息,centos-release-scl包在较新版本的CentOS(如CentOS 8及以后...
❯ sudo docker build --network=host -t centos scripts/docker/centos Sending build context to Docker daemon 3.072kB Step 1/26 : FROM centos:7 ---> eeb6ee3f44bd Step 2/26 : RUN yum -y update ---> Using cache ---> f699896b4a44 Step 3/26 : RUN yum -y install centos-release-...
When i tried the install it is said “No package found”. but under the error there was this: “Did you mean centos-release-scl” with scl being all in all lowercase i retyped it in all lower case and then something installed. Could this be my issue? jackivanov commented on Oct 6,...
yum install centos-release-scl scl-utils-build # 列出scl可用源 yum list all --enablerepo='centos-sclo-rh' # 安装8版本的gcc、gcc-c++、gdb工具链(toolchian) yum install -y devtoolset-8-toolchain scl enable devtoolset-8 bash # 安装完成后查看版本 gcc --version ``` ### 3.安装并指定安装...
Yeah, on the Centos7 systems I use there is a ‘module’ command that’s sort of like a virtual env, i.e., it will install non-system versions of programs and make the proper environment variable edits so they’re available. So something like ‘module avail gcc’ should show you what...
sudo yum-config-manager --add-repo https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/g/vespa/vespa/repo/epel-7/group_vespa-vespa-epel-7.repo sudo yum -y install epel-release centos-release-scl yum-utils sudo yum -y install ccache \ rpm-build yum-builddep -y <vespa-source>/dist/vespa.spec Bu...
sudo yum -y install centos-release-scl sudo yum -y install devtoolset-9-gcc devtoolset-9-gcc-c++ sclenabledevtoolset-9 bash For the initial compilation, it is recommended to use the build script build.sh, which checks if the required software is available on the local machine. ...
#1.Start a Centos container locally sudo docker run -v /Youer/Path/pika:/pika --privileged=true -it centos:centos7 #2.Install dependent environment # Starting a new container requires installation yum install -y wget git autoconf centos-release-scl gcc yum install -y devtoolset-10-gcc devtoo...