P. Singh Pages: 6652-6664 Published online: 23 Jan 2022 AbstractforEffect of Pointing Error on the Performance of Improved Modified Switching Scheme of Hybrid FSO/RF System under Mixture Gamma Atmospheric Turbulence | Full Text | References | PDF (1.8 MB) | EPUB 147 Views 2 CrossRef citation...
Automatic Heart Disease Detection by Classification of Ventricular Arrhythmias on ECG Using Machine Learning Khalid Mahmood Aamir1, Muhammad Ramzan1,2, Saima Skinadar1, Hikmat Ullah Khan3, Usman Tariq4, Hyunsoo Lee5, Yunyoung Nam5,*, Muhammad Attique Khan6 CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua,...
Cardiac-cycle related pulsatile aneurysm motion and deformation is assumed to provide valuable information for assessing cerebral aneurysm rupture risk. Accordingly, numerous studies addressed quantification of cerebral aneurysm wall motion and deformati
The mixture model returned two distributions, one for interoceptive and one for non-interoceptive participants by means of an expectation-maximisation algorithm6. We calculated z-scores for each participant for interoceptive and non-interoceptive distributions separately. Thereafter, the z-scores were ...
:Tplff'."{*$*f'il;,$; L'+224 field, These microphones are coatain-ed in tro Eagnetic and attractive cast electro static cases which lunction as elec_ shields, thouqh iuterDosind a Dlinimum disto ion ellect on the sound wave-- FLOOR STANDS Two models ol full length lloor stands...
k-means clustering based feature weighting (KMCFW) 30 s epoch; Entropy on CWT, used three different mother wavelets Amplitude of EOG, EMG, short time FFT, power Spectral density on FFT 30 s epoch; power of the frequency subbands (P), beta/delta, alpha/delta, theta/ delta, beta/theta...
Data are expressed as means ± SD; NREM: nonrapid eye movement sleep stage; REM: rapid eye movement sleep stage; NN: Normal-to-Normal interval; QT: QT interval; Tp-e: T-wave peak to T-wave end interval; QTVI: QT variability index. ...