No Offense 根据《剑桥词典》对“offense”的解释,它有“bad feeling or upset feeling”的意思。当你想say something that might upset or annoy someone,这个时候,你就可以用“no offense”来表明你的态度。举个栗子 ▶ No offence, but I find your sister a little rude.▶ 无意冒犯,但是我觉得你的...
No Offense 根据《剑桥词典》对“offense”的解释,它有“bad feeling or upset feeling”的意思。 当你想say something that might upset or annoy someone,这个时候,你就可以用“no offense”来表明你的态度。 ☆ 举个栗子 ☆ ▶ No offence, but I find your sister a little rude. ▶ 无意冒犯,但是...
offence和offense之间的区别是什么?\x0d\x0a使用方法没有区别,前者是英式英语,后者是美式。\x0d\x0a\x0d\x0a类似例子还有:\x0d\x0a英语拼法 美语拼法\x0d\x0a防御 defence defense \x0d\x0a执照 licence license
正确的表达:no offense 无意冒犯,请别见怪 offense是美式英语,英式英语为offence 英语解释:used to tell someone that you hope that,what you are going to say or do will not offend them。 例句: A: You're the guy who just broke into my house and fondled...
no offence怎么翻译较精准?要信,达,雅…我是指在日常对话中,on offense ,but your paper is... 答案 “没有要冒犯你的意思,可是你的论文,”--(后边肯定是有一些负面的评论或批评,不太好听,所以预先说声“没有要冒犯的意思”)像是外教说的.相关推荐 1no offence怎么翻译较精准?要信,达,雅…我是指在...
A]n impeachable offence is whatever a majority of the House of Representatives considers it to be at a given moment in history; conviction results in whatever offense or offenses two-thirds of other body considers to be serious to require removal of the accused from office. 可...
offense 进攻: (球队的):前锋,进攻方法:攻势offence 犯罪,违反; 冒犯,触怒;攻击 offence和offense之间的区别是什么?使用方法没有区别,前者是英式英语,后者是美式。类似例子还有:英语拼法 美语拼法防御 defence defense 执照 licence license 要语境的,学英语不要只记,要学着在语境中猜词,...
no offence spokenOFFENDused to tell someone that you hope that what you are going to say or do will not offend them没有冒犯的意思,请别见怪 No offense, but this cheese tastes like rubber. 请别见怪,这奶酪吃起来像是嚼橡胶。 Examples from the Corpus ...
“no offense” is usually said right before you say something that may sound rude or offensive to the person you are talking to. for example, “no offense, but your drawings are bad.” if you don’t take offense to it, you are usually supposed to reply w