These can be solved by utilising an antisymmetric representation of the SO(2n) group generators (4.94) In this way, Eq. (4.92) can be easily solved by choosing the VEVs real. Although this is not applicable for Eq. (4.93) because of the constraints , we can find other explicit ...
A tensor can be symmetric or antisymmetric in many indices at once. We can also take a tensor with no particular symmetry properties in some set of indices 6 and pick out the symmetric/antisymmetric piece by taking appropriate linear combinations; this procedure of symmetrization or anti...
can be parameterized by the internal metric and antisymmetric tensor G, B, as well as Y-fields. They can be split into constant backgrounds and y-deformations, (𝐺+𝐵)𝐼𝑗=(𝐺(0)+𝐵(0))𝐼𝑗+2−−√𝑦𝐼𝑗,𝐼,𝑗∈{𝑑,⋯,9},𝑌𝐼𝑗=𝑌(0)𝐼𝑗...