We then infiltrated the popular No Nut November subreddit and tempted members with some risqué nut content. NO NUt November SUBREDDIT Next, we went to a place on the internet where we knew people loved nuts the most, popular gay dating app Grindr. GRINDR FAN REACTIONS RESULTS In 4 week...
But you don’t have to read the subreddits and other message boards for too long to realise that No Nut November was born out of the “No Fap” movement, which has more serious motives. “No Fap” subreddits and 4Chan boards focus on completely eliminating “fapping” or ...
Editors note: This story has been updated to include comment from NoFap and the creator of the No Nut November subreddit, as well as to clarify the masturbation stance of NoFap.
you are being insensitive, check if the issue is weighted the same from both directions – if it looks offensive when you sub in “white,” it’s an area where the power falls to one side unevenly, and discretion is the better part of valor. ...
Millions of Texans don't want these secessionist nutballs any more than you do, so please don't stereotype. In any case, who cares whether there is a legal right to secede? It's a stupid idea advanced by cowards and quitters.
All of this—the slippery nature of NoFap’s founding principles, Prause allegedly getting harassed online—are typical when trying to understand the topic of groups like NoFap and No Nut November.Last year, Motherboard examined the originsof the anti-masturbation movement: Orgasm denial and contr...