the error you’re getting comes fromthis part of the code. StatusCode 0 is not an actual http error, but is used on iOS when there’s no network connection or the call timed out (seethis for example). A few things that came to my mind: Please make sure, that mobile access is all...
另外一个概念叫做incarnation connection,指跟上次的socket pair一摸一样的新连接,叫做incarnation of previous connection。lost uplicate加上incarnation connection,则会对我们的传输造成致 命的错误。 TCP是流式的,所有包到达的顺序是不一致的,依靠序列号由TCP协议栈做顺序的拼接;假设一个incarnation connection这时收到...
My physical network configuration is a wireless connection to my router, and I'm also running a VPN (ProtonVPN) Here are my ipv6 routes ::/3 via fd54:20a4:d33b:b10c:e07:0:60:1 dev proton0 proto static metric 50 pref medium 2604:xxxx:31fe:xxxx::8c7 dev wlo1 proto kernel metric...
I'm trying to increase the retention days for deleted items on a single mailbox. I run the command from the Technet site and it returns, "WARNING: The command completed successfully but no settings of '<user name>' have been modified." I verified my account has the correct permissions bu...
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