Redefine Beef Flank, Seared King of the Forest Mushrooms, Portobello Mushroom Sauce Beef Flank Salad A Salad of Redefine Beef Flank with Mesclun, Radishes and Peach Vinaigrette Philly Cheesesteak Redefine Beef Flank “Philly Cheesesteak” Beef Flank with Mashed Potatoes Redefine Beef Flank in Br...
Vegetarian: I served Kim O’Donnel’s terrific Shepard’s Pie a couple of times. I made two – one with meat, one with the wine braised-lentils and chard called for in her version. Everyone preferred the vegetarian option. So, there you go. I’ve also served thisvegetarian wellingtonfro...