英语语法结构 (257) no more than 与 no less than no more than ● no more than 放在数字前面表示“不到 ……”的数。例句: We were standing no more than 10 yards away from the scene of the crime and…
最好要抛开汉语的影响,而用英语去解释英语,no less than = as many / much as ; no more than = as little / few as, 因此翻译汉语的时候,no less than 要翻译成 “不比。。。少”,而 no more than 则要翻译成 “不比。。。多”, 更多的时候no more than 直接翻译成“仅仅”就可以了。 (no...
more than 指「比...多」,less than 指「比...少」,这是个小学生都知道的语言点。但前面加上否定词,变成no more than,no less than, no more...than..., no less ... than ...,很多同学就被搞得晕头转向,从来都没有弄清楚过。 ...
要说意义相同的话,less than 和not more than 倒是可以互换 同样 more than 和not less than 也差不多 但是no more than no less than 就不能随便用了 分析总结。 推广到比较级的普遍用法这是一种表达句式no比较级than一般都带感情色彩表示二者都与所表述词语相反这是重点所在结果...
1. No more than Adv. 仅仅; 只是; 至多; 只不过; 仅仅足够; 不超过某个数量或程度。例句: Ensure you are creating only the essential work products (no more than necessary) by utilizing a customized version of the Development Case.2. No less than Adv. 不少于; 多达; 不下于; ...
more than 意味着不仅仅,而 no more than 则表示仅仅、至多或不超过。例如,"Have no more than two alcoholic drinks" 指的是喝酒精饮料不要超过两杯。not more than 同样表示不超过或至多,如 "in not more than 80 words" 表示用不超过八十个字。no less than 则表示不少于或多达。与此...
之多 1)The audience was no less than five thousand.听众有五千人之多.2)That hotel probably costs no less than 20 dollars a night.那间旅馆的住宿费大约要20元一晚呢.not less than不比……差,至少 1)I'll stay here not less than three days.我将待在这里至少三天.no more than同样不;仅仅,...
首先,more than与less than都是比较级,前者是升级比较,后者是降级比较,这个比较容易掌握;no与not都是表示否定的词,这也很明显。但两个否定词冠于比较级之前,所产生的意义又相差多远?no more thanV.S not more than I. 单独使用。1. no more than:表示仅仅、只有,只不过,强调少,相当于only, 已...
no less than 要翻译成 “不比.少”,而 no more than 则要翻译成 “不比.多”,更多的时候no more than 直接翻译成“仅仅”就可以了.\x0d(no + 某形容词 / 副词的比较级 + than 可以看成是 as + 某形容词 / 副词的反义词的原级 + as 结构.比如 no easier than =as difficult as 不比.简单,...