” Read more at Vivriti.org Read More Tagged kabir, love without limits, relationships, the relevance of kabir Leaving dead relationships Let’s start leaving dead relationships. Some people hold love hostage. Hiding behind a mask, they threaten to kill love if another doesn’t submit to ...
Now Taking Wholesale Celebrity Face Mask Orders for Trade Suppliers Well what a crazy last few weeks, obviously the sun coming out is getting everyone ready for th … read more Christmas Celebrity Face Masks Its that time again - Xmas and New years so get your face masks ordered in plenty ...
Colorado Public Radio's Bente Birkeland has a good story today catching up on the ongoing controversy in Mesa County, as a criminal investigation into a breach of election system security facilitated by Clerk Tina Peters continues in uneasy silence follo
Further why would an entity create a purposeless universe, which is what a lack of free will would give. That is no matter how many times you run it as an experiment or program the resulting output or terminal state –assuming there is one[1]– would always be the same. More importan...
The Way We Feel See more at memetales Add Your Post Add your postabout feelings, emotions and how to get your kids talking about them here:
yes, i know i’ve been kind of missing in action lately. there are a lot of changes happening here in my world and i’ve been immersed in some very heavy tasks at hand. more to come on that, i promise, but, in the meantime … no matter who you are … no matter what you do ...
Web3Privacy Now is a research project aimed at building a culture of privacy industry in web3: the most extensive database of privacy-enhancing solutions, the framework for PEDApps ideation, use-cases database & many more. Feel free to collaborate. - Res
The Supreme Court won’t entertain more stay petitions.The Kerala High Court sees nothing wrong with the movie trailer. The court believes that the secular Kerala society will accept the movie.However,there are reported protest marches by some organizations in front of theaters in Kochi where the...
Even their meaning was less about what the writer was saying and more about what it said that the poster chose them to say it. This was not the portrait of a person, but rather of a consumer. Instagram allows even the ugly to be beautiful and bad taste to masquerade as good. Three ...
The first one is broad, and informs the other two: (1) Social media scholars should take authenticity more seriously. The reason that services routinely proclaim themselves as sites for authentic self-expression, after all, is that many users profess a commitment to presenting themselves ...