The error message "No module named XY found" says that the package is missing on your system. You have to install the required packages like pyreadline and zeroconf (e.g. by using pip). Be aware that there may be a bug in the current zeroconf package (see #3). asoccer commented Apr...
> "/<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/.pybuild/cpython3_3.10/build/pychromecast/", > line 10, in <module> > import zeroconf > File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/zeroconf/", line 26, in > <module> > from ._core import Zeroconf > File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages...
gTTS-token, gTTS, backports.ssl-match-hostname, PyAudio, pyee, SpeechRecognition, tornado, websocket-client, futures, future, requests-futures, pyyaml, pyalsaaudio, xmlrunner, pyserial, psutil, pocketsphinx, inflection, olefile, pillow, python-dateutil, netifaces, zeroconf, protobuf, pychromecast...
I know this issue has been long closed, but apparently the solution to get barrier to build on gentoo is to emerge avahi like this: USE="mdnsresponder-compat" emerge net-dns/avahi So, after looking and looking, To build on my Ubuntu 18.04LTS, I added a ...