执行python deploy/export_onnx.py ./configs/pretrain/yolo_world_v2_l_vlpan_bn_2e-3_100e_4x8gpus_obj365v1_goldg_train_lvis_minival.py ./weights/yolo_world_v2_l_obj365v1_goldg_cc3mlite_pretrain-ca93cd1f.pth --custom-text data/texts/lvis_v1_c...
I'm currently facing a critical issue with my YOLOv10 model. During validation, I encounter an AttributeError indicating that the DetMetrics object has no attribute curves_results. This issue is not only preventing the validation process from completing successfully, but it is also affecting the ...
error: no matching function for call to ‘yolodet::yoloNet::yoloNet()’ yolodet::yoloNet net;