又是一阵滚屏,滚屏结束之后输入,C:\sip--4.19.8>mingw32-make install 这样就会把sipdistutils.py...
On Ubuntu 16.04LTS in a virtualenv, building python-poppler-qt5 fails: $ cd python-poppler-qt5 $ python3.5 setup.py build Traceback (most recent call last): File "setup.py", line 42, in <module> import sipdistutils ImportError: No module...
IIUC the problem is that sipdistutils is not present in any package on pypi.org, so there's no way to set up a general python dependency (for all platforms) - while Linux users can just install python3-sip-dev or similar to get it working. As explained here, the easy fix is download...
ImportError: No module named PyQt5看那个路径下:usertekiMacBook-Air:python user$ ls /Library/Python/2.7/site-packagesREADMEsip.sosipconfig.pysipdistutils.py似乎是只有sip的东西没有pyqt的东西。我感觉似乎是pyqt没有被安装到这个路径下。那么想请问我怎么检查pyqt5是否正确安装,怎么设置path才对?