安装完成后,你应该能够看到类似 Successfully installed pyzed-x.y 的消息。 验证'pyzed'模块是否成功安装并可正常使用: 在安装完成后,尝试在你的 Python 脚本中导入 pyzed 模块: python import pyzed.sl as sl 如果没有报错,并且你可以正常使用 sl 模块中的功能,那么说明 pyzed 模块已经成功安装并配置。
When running object_detection_zed.py within the zed-python-api directory I get the above error. The zed-python-api directory has path .\pyzed\sl.pyx and I have successfully built and installed setup.py and I am able to import pyzed in py...
Hi, I have followed the installation steps (and obviously all the prerequirements), but when I try to execute the example python3 zed_object_detection.py --config-file /configs/caffe2/e2e_mask_rcnn_R_50_C4_1x_caffe2.yaml --min-image-size...
If the change value exceeds predefined threshold values, the trigger creates a corresponding event according to the range of change and inserts the event into the memory table named Event_Table of MySQL. Step 4: Create an insert trigger in Event_Table and use the distributed scheduling system ...
Cybereason Nocturnus The Cybereason Nocturnus Team has brought the world’s brightest minds from the military, government intelligence, and enterprise security to uncover emerging threats across the globe. They specialize in analyzing new attack methodologies, reverse-engineering malware, and exposing unkno...
(https://community.hexagongeospatial.com/t5/Spatial-Modeler-Tutorials/Mapping-Oil-Palms-using-Deep-Learning-Object-Detection/ta-p/38259) but when I start the training model or the other model for the detection I always get the same import error: No module named '...
(context info.), and answer:param data_point: dict: Data point:return: dict: tokenzed prompt"""prefix_text='Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that '\'appropriately completes the request.\n\n'# Samples with additional context into.ifdata_point['input']:text...