打开你的命令行工具(如cmd、PowerShell、Terminal等),然后输入以下命令来安装 pyvisa 模块: bash pip install pyvisa 或者,如果你使用的是Python 3,并且系统中同时存在Python 2和Python 3,你可能需要使用: bash pip3 install pyvisa 验证pyvisa模块是否成功安装: 安装完成后,你可以通过尝试导入 pyvisa 模块来...
even after installing pyvisa, pyusb, python-py on typing "python -m visa info" in terminal, I get "No Module named visa" What is the proper way to remove all these and install it again? I had previously installed it and used it to connect to my instruments,it ...
done Successfully installed PyVISA-py-0.3.dev0 LMC-062271:~$ pyvisa-info Machine Details: Platform ID: Darwin-16.7.0-x86_64-i386-64bit Processor: i386 Python: Implementation: CPython Executable: /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/bin/python3.6 Version: 3.6.3 Compiler: GCC 4.2.1...
No module named 'gpib' USB RAW: Available via PyUSB (1.0.0). Backend: libusb1 USB INSTR: Available via PyUSB (1.0.0). Backend: libusb1 Trying to use the lib : import visa rm=visa.ResourceManager('@py') rm.list_resources() ('ASRL/dev/ttyS4::INSTR', 'ASRL/dev/ttyS31::INSTR...
In python 2.7, the import system will always use files in the working directory over the one in site-packages and as your file is named pyvisa.py when importing visa.py it picks your own module instead of the 'real' pyvisa module. 👍1 Sakulas commented on Jan 11, 2018 Sakulas ...
Hello, I have a strange problem that is giving me the following error: AttributeError: module 'visa' has no attribute 'ResourceManager' What makes this strange is that when I run this program from IDLE I do not get this error. When I run...