这将显示当前 Python 解释器的路径,确保它是你安装了 facenet_pytorch 的那个环境。 4. 检查代码中的导入语句是否正确 确保你的代码中的导入语句是正确的。对于 facenet_pytorch,你应该使用以下导入语句: python from facenet_pytorch import MTCNN, InceptionResnetV1 如果导入语句有误(例如,拼写错误或大小写错误),...
Hey, actually we do not support Windows yet and it's not a top priority for the library as some of the dependencies (i.e, smac) do not work on windows anyways. I'd suggest you use AutoPyTorch on Linux for now. We are working on extending support for windows in the dependencies, th...
File "infer.py", line 1, in <module> from facenet_pytorch import MTCNN, InceptionResnetV1 ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'facenet_pytorch' While trying to install facenet_pytorch with pip (python2) : marco@pc:~/python3venvironments/pytorch-venv/facenet_pytorch$ sudo -H pip install ...