关于你遇到的“No module named 'imagekit'”错误,可以按照以下步骤进行排查和解决: 确认'imagekit'库是否存在: 首先,你需要确认你的Python环境中是否确实安装了imagekit库。可以通过在Python命令行中输入以下命令来检查: python import imagekit 如果这个命令没有报错,说明imagekit库已经安装。如果报错,说明可能未...
一:引言 在运行django项目时,有这个报错:ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'imagekit.models' 但是执行了pip3 install imagekit后还是报错,可能是因为软件源的原因 二:解决方法 1.输入下列语句(用豆瓣软件源): pip3 install imagekit -i http://pypi.douban.com/simple --trusted-host pypi.douban.com 2...
migrate数据到数据库时遇到的错误。 这个问题可能是安装了Imagekit而不是Django-Imagekit。先卸载imagekit库再安装django-imagekit库。 pip uninstall imagekit pip install django-imagekit
ModuleNotFoundError:Nomodulenamed'widget_tweaks' 2.但是用pip装get_tweaks的时候又报错了 3.后来去百度了一下,原来get_tweaks是属于django的,全称是:django-widget-tweaks 二:解决方法1 1.在pycharm下列的Terminal输入下列代码 pipinstalldjango-widget-tweaks 三:解决方法2 1.单击pycharm右下角,打开Interpreter S...
from tqdm.auto import tqdm as base_tqdm ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'tqdm.auto' Press any key to continue . . . Author popsoda27commentedOct 10, 2023 ️1dairydaddy reacted with heart emoji ️
W: no module named gobject (delayed, conditional import by kivy.support) W: no module named kivy.core.spelling.SpellingBase (top-level import by kivy.core.spelling.spelling_osxappkit) W: no module named kivy.core.spelling.NoSuchLangError (top-level import by kivy.core.spelling.spelling_...
libGL.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory", but I don't understand what this means. Before I got this error message, it said that there was a ModuleError, as it couldn't find cv2. My Flask App deployed successfully shown in my deployment center (fig...
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