如果系统没有报错,并且输出了geopandas的版本号,则表示geopandas已成功安装。 如果在尝试导入geopandas时仍然遇到“ModuleNotFoundError”,请检查以下几点: 确保您正在使用的Python解释器与安装geopandas时使用的pip或conda环境相匹配。 如果您在使用Jupyter Notebook,请确保Notebook已配置为使用正确的conda环境。您可以在Ju...
If you’re using Jupyter Notebook, use the command!pip install –upgrade geopandas. Conclusion In conclusion, the errormodulenotfounderror: no module named ‘geopandas’can be easily solved by installing the‘geopandas’ modulein your system or Python environment. ...
When I run uv add numpy (after adding some other dependencies successfully), I get an "No module named 'distutils'" error. I've just installed uv and ran uv install python 3.12 and tried to create a new project with it. I'm using the fol...
countryutils==1.0 iotop==0.6 ipykernel==4.3.1 ipyparallel==5.0.1 ipython==4.1.2 ipython-genutils==0.1.0 ipywidgets==4.1.1 isodate==0.4.9 itsdangerous==0.24 jellyfish==0.2.0 Jinja2==2.7 jsonschema==2.5.1 jupyter==1.0.0 jupyter-client==4.2.1 jupyter-console==4.1.1 jupyter-core==...
Hi, I got error import when conda install geopandas in a new Anaconda environment. The problem is fixed, however, it's weird that the geopandas was imported successfully in Anaconda Prompt but didn't work in my jupyter lab until I pip in...
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'cartopy' which conda: /home/goat/miniconda3/bin/conda which python3: /home/goat/miniconda3/bin/python3 conda info: (base) goat@goat:~$ conda info active environment : base active env location : /home/goat/anaconda3 shell level : 1 user config file...
ON COMMAND LINE conda install gdal Solving environment: done # All requested packages already installed. IN JUPYTER NOTEBOOK import gdal ImportError Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-5-ee38efafc30b> in <module>() ---> 1 import gdal ~/Git/ag1000g-phase2-data-paper/deps/con...
"jupyter-client==6.1.12", "jupyter-console==6.1.0", "jupyter-core==5.3.1", "jupyter-server==1.24.0", "jupyterlab-pygments==0.2.2", "jupyterlab-widgets==3.0.8", "kaggle==1.5.16", "keras==2.12.0", "keyring==23.5.0", "kiwisolver==1.4.4", "kornia==0.6.7", "langcodes==...
Hi, I'm running into a cryptic error. My CRS in the geopandas dataframe seems to be properly set, however I cannot convert it to any other CRS. >>> print(gdf_PLU.crs) epsg:2193 >>>gdf_PLU.to_crs(epsg=4326) ---...