有warning的整个运行日志如下: d16746 INFO: Loading module hook"hook-distutils.py"...16747 INFO: Loading module hook"hook-encodings.py"...16879 INFO: Loading module hook"hook-lib2to3.py"...16882 INFO: Loading module hook"hook-numpy.core.py"...16979INFO: MKL libraries found when importing ...
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'codecs' 解决思路 模块未找到错误:没有命名为“codecs”的模块 """ Standard "encodings" Package Standard Python encoding modules are stored in this package directory. Codec modules must have names corresponding to normalized encoding names as defined in the normal...
Hi, I've been using Pyinstaller for linux in order to make binary with python3.10 version installed on machine. but unfortunately I'm facing issues regarding imports frequently regarding python module I've been utilising in my code named...
File "<string>", line 2, in <module> ImportError: No module named Math 打开hook-Crypto.py,注释掉Crypto.Math行,重新编译源码、安装pyinstaller,再次进行打包,打包成功。 修改如下: $ vi PyInstaller-3.4/PyInstaller/hooks/hook-Crypto.pyimportosimportglobfromPyInstaller.compatimportEXTENSION_SUFFIXESfromPyInst...
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named '_multiprocessing' [382207] Failed to execute script 'pyi_rth_multiprocessing' due to unhandled exception! Using Python from Debian: $ pyinstaller --onedir testapp.py 180 INFO: PyInstaller: 6.2.0 180 INFO: Python: 3.11.5 ...
求助求助新手刚用pyinstaller打包了一个程序,但是最开始打包是提示了一堆的warning,意思是没有找到相关的dll文件,在下载了pyinstaller运行库文件后终于没有了,但是又出现了 Traceback (most recent call last): File "<string>", line 2, in <module> ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'win32com' 14892 IN...
W: no module named kivy.graphics.ClearBuffers (top-level import by kivy.uix.screenmanager) W: no module named kivy.core.spelling.SpellingBase (top-level import by kivy.core.spelling.spelling_enchant) W: no module named kivy.core.image.ImageLoader (top-level import by kivy.core.image.img...
ImportError: No module named sqlalchemy 用py2exe打包的时候遇到了问题 import os import glob from distutils.core import setup import py2exe includes = ['encodings', 'encodings.*', 'glob', 'sqlite3', 'wx.lib.scrolledpanel', 'wx.richtext', 'wx.lib.mixins.listctrl', 'wx.lib.sized_...
module 'locale' added '_bootlocale'. Nuitka-Plugins:INFO: implicit-imports: Implicit dependencies of module 'encodings' added 'encodings.idna,encodings.base64_codec,encodings.hex_codec,encodings.rot_13'. Nuitka:INFO: Completed Python level compilation and optimization. Nuitka:INFO: Generating source ...
94361 INFO: Loading module hook 'hook-PyQt5.QtCore.py' from '/home/pi/code/FNTools/PIPENV_VENV_IN_PROJECT/FNTools-g0ZG0lN2/lib/python3.6/site-packages/PyInstaller/hooks'... 95290 INFO: Loading module hook 'hook-encodings.py' from '/home/pi/code/FNTools/PIPENV_VENV_IN_PROJECT/FNTools...