针对您遇到的“no module named 'customtkinter'”问题,我将按照提供的提示逐一解答: 1. 确认用户环境是否已安装customtkinter模块 首先,您需要确认您的Python环境中是否已经安装了customtkinter模块。您可以通过Python的命令行工具(如cmd、Terminal或PowerShell)来检查这一点。在命令行中输入以下命令: bash pip show cu...
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘custom_st‘,用huggingface的jina-embeddings-v3部署在本地作为embedding模型时,会报错。尝试了很多种设置,最后发现其实只要在参数里加一个。
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/61569759/modulenotfounderror-no-module-named-custom-exceptions-python3 二.解决方案 我梳理了一下我安装cx_Oracle模块的过程: 因为最开始在pycharm上查找cx_Oracle模块的时候没有找到,就随便安装了一个cx_oracle_on_ctypes模块,发现不能用。
I've tried without using a venv as well, but I don't want to install customtkinter globally if I can avoid it. If I run it without a venv (and therefore without installing customtkinter), the error described below says no module named customtkinter, but after installing customtkinter in...
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'custom_components.neato.vacuum'; 'custom_components.neato' is not a package Connection lost. Reconnecting… Error loading custom_components.neato.camera. Make sure all dependencies are installed Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7...
配置custom_v6.env文件 需要说明的是,gFortran不是官方支持的,以下配置方法,能解决undefined symbol: _gfortran_XXX的错误。 compile_fortran = "gfortran -c -O -fPIC -fno-second-underscore -I%I" link_sl='g++ -shared -lgfortran -fPIC -Wl,-Bdynamic -Wl,--add-needed %E -Wl,-soname,%U -o %U...
File "app.py", line 2, in <module> from flask import Flask ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'flask' 问题还原: 环境: 1. 自定义安装了python3的位置,并且建立了软链, python版本 项目中引入flask的时候提示报错,并且运行中执行不同的python命令提示报错还不一样: ...
EC0010: Failed to import Python module [ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'tbe.common.repository_manager.utils.repository_manager_log'.]. Solution: Check that all required components are properly installed and the specified Python path matches the Python installation directory. (If the path doe...
Thank you for publishing the great work! Please check the following error in xcit/detection/backbone/xcit.py file: from mmcv_custom import load_checkpoint ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'mmcv_custom' Probably you forgot to add this...