catkin_pkg 是一个用于处理 ROS(Robot Operating System)包的Python库。它提供了一系列工具来解析和处理ROS包的元数据。 3. 安装 catkin_pkg 要安装 catkin_pkg,你可以使用 pip(Python的包管理工具)。在命令行中运行以下命令: bash pip install catkin_pkg 或者,如果你使用的是Python 3(并且系统中同时安装了Py...
ImportError: "from catkin_pkg.package import parse_package" failed: No module named catkin_pkg.package Make sure that you have installed "catkin_pkg", it is up to date and on the PYTHONPATH. 解决方法 cd / pip install catkin_pkg 切换到根目录是必须的 继续报错可能还需要安装rospkg...
当在编译ROS工作空间时使用catkin_make命令时,有时可能会遇到如下错误信息:"No module named 'catkin_pkg’”。这个错误通常表示在系统中未安装catkin_pkg模块或者模块的路径无法正确找到。这个问题可以通过以下几步来解决。 确认catkin_pkg是否已安装: 首先,需要确认系统中是否已经安装了catkin_pkg模块。运行以下命令来...
File "/home/gary/.local/bin/catkin_create_pkg", line 7, in <module> from catkin_pkg.cli.create_pkg import main ImportError: No module named 'catkin_pkg' 解决方法:找到文件catkin_create_pkg,将python3->python2
export PATH="username/anaconda2/bin:$PATH" After that source your bashrc with source ~/.bashrc, open a new terminal and navigate to your catkin workspace. Delete the old build folder and try the catkin_make command again. Should solve your issue....
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named'catkin_pkg' CMake Error at /opt/ros/foxy/share/ament_cmake_core/cmake/core/ament_package_xml.cmake:94 (message): execute_process(/home/ros2/miniconda3/bin/python3 /opt/ros/foxy/share/ament_cmake_core/cmake/core/ ...
Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/gary/.local/bin/catkin_create_pkg", line 7, in <module> from catkin_pkg.cli.create_pkg import main ImportError: No module named 'catkin_pkg' 解决方法:找到文件catkin_create_pkg,将python3->python2...
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'catkin_pkg' then I tried the instruction here it didn't help. I triedsudo apt install python3-catkin-*but it also doesn't work. ...
The error message indicated that the Python packagecatkinis there. Otherwise the error would be: ImportError: No module named 'catkin' But the moduleenvironment_cacheseems to not exist. Please provide some logs about what happens in the CI build. What is in the workspace?
export PATH="username/anaconda2/bin:$PATH" After that source your bashrc with source ~/.bashrc, open a new terminal and navigate to your catkin workspace. Delete the old build folder and try the catkin_make command again. Should solve your issue....