Re: ImportError: No module named Adafruit_GPIO.spi Sun Feb 27, 2022 1:34 am neilglwrote:↑ Sun Feb 27, 2022 12:19 am Ah, maybe use the wiring as per ... entiometerthe 2.28 potentiometer section. ...
I received the error "ImportError: No module named 'Adafruit_PureIO'" when I tried to run for MCP9808 with python3 (python3 I then installed Adafruit_PureIO with python3: git clone cd Adafruit_Python_PureI...
At the heart of this library is ChaN'sFatFs - Generic FAT Filesystem Module. It also contains a Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) SD Card block driver for theRaspberry Pi Picoderived fromSDBlockDevice from Mbed OS 5, and a 4-bit wide Secure Digital Input Output (SDIO) driver derived from...
In my case, to use the W5500 SPI ethernet module, you need V3.0.0 This can either be added to the Arduino IDE with the correct link or add it to platformio like this: [env:esp32-s3-devkitc-1] platform =
Added blocks support for AdafruitBNO055IMU. Added Download Op Mode button to FtcBocks.html. Added support for copying blocks in one OpMode and pasting them in an other OpMode. The clipboard content is stored on the phone, so the programming mode server must be running. Modified Utilities secti...
If I then do either mu-editor or make check I get an error saying "E ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'PyQt5'" (Detailed output in the "What actually happened?" section below) I see "PyQt5==5.13.2" in the install_requires = [ list so I'm not seeing what the issue is. I...
I too am seeing the serial error "ImportError: No module named serial" in spite of having both python and pyserial. When I opened up a python console on my Terminal and imported serial, that worked fine. Any suggestions? My guess, is that the Arduino compiler isn't running the right ver...
I solved the issue using an old I2C module driver, i2c_bcm2708, instead of the new one. You can find module and details here: Let me stress the point highlighted by termdude; ...
This has been discussed here in#839. Regarding the mic not responding, not all mics work with the google assistant. If you are having one of those adafruit's $5 USB mic, try changing the mic. Sorry, something went wrong. Copy link ...
Support for Adafruit IMU. Improvements to ModernRoboticsI2cGyro class Block on reset of z axis. isCalibrating() returns true while gyro is calibration. Updated sample gyro program. Blockly enhancements support for added support for ElapsedTime. improved look and legibility ...