RepositoryNotFoundError: No repositoryfor"Article"was found. Looks likethisentityisnot registeredincurrent"default"connection? 首先检查了user.entity.ts文件是存在,此时文件存在仍然报错,猜测是数据库加载时序问题 因为在报错之前,做了移动 database 文件夹到 service 文件夹的操作 import 的路径也随之修改了,按理...
import { Injectable, NotFoundException } from '@nestjs/common'; import { TaskStatus } from './task-status.enum'; import { CreateTaskDto } from './create-task.dto'; import { GetTaskFilterDto } from './get-task-filter.dto'; import { TaskRepository } from './tasks.repository'; impor...
解决 before: TypeOrmModule.forRoot({type:'mysql',host:'localhost',port:3306,username:'root',password:'xxx',database:'ly-blogs',synchronize:true,entities: [__dirname +'/../**/*.entity{.ts,.js}'], }), after: import{Article}from'./entity/article.entity';TypeOrmModule.forRoot({type:'m...
Vue报错:This dependency was not found 2019-12-06 15:39 −报错: This dependency was not found:* app.js?vue&type=script =js& in ./src/App.vue To install it, you can run: npm install --save app.js?vue&type=sc... 404_Not__Found ...
Failed to execute command: node@nestjs/schematics:service --name=http-server --no-dry-run --no-skip-import --language=“ts” --source-root=“src” --spec --no-flat --spec-file-suffix=“spec” 解决方法: 1、nodejs使用最新的 Nodejs 20.16.0 ...
First, historyically class-validator only checked the type of known properties when validating a class and this led to silent errors when no metadata was found for a class and class-validator validated nothing and stayed silent. So an option was added to throw an error on unknown classes and...
字符串 在您的导入模块中
npm i nestjs-prisma-crud --save npm i nestjs-prisma-crud-schematics --save-dev Why When building REST API's there is common functionality that we would prefer not to implement again and again. This package offers minimal and opinionated out of the box solutions for some of those (seefeat...
最近在做自己的一个记账项目,后端nestjs中使用typeorm的mysql。当添加记录时,发现所以时间都相差了8小时。 后面查了一下资料发现因为默认 timezone 是用 UTC 的。所以只需要设置成我们自己的时区即可。 解决方法 ormconfig.json {"type":"mysql","host":"localhost","port":3306,"username":"","password":""...
metadata: name: default namespace: metallb-system tags: network This is the flexibility I was looking for, and I’m using the same tool for everything thus far! Foreward I’m documenting my complete stack (“eventually”), but I can use this pattern to add different tasks and plays in...