Hello, I'm trying to run python bundlesdf/run_nerf.py --ref_view_dir /mnt/9a72c439-d0a7-45e8-8d20-d7a235d02763/DATASET/YCB_Video/bowen_addon/ref_views_16 --dataset ycbv as shown in the README.md, but I'm getting this error: (my) root@don...
"Object" form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical transformation or translation of a Source form, including but not limited to compiled object code, generated documentation, and conversions to other media types. "Work" shall mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or Object form...
My father once was a senior engineer, in the factory work, the treatment matter all very is serious, pays great attention to each detail, I live since childhood in such environment, was very profound to my growth influence, enables me also to become one seriously earnest, paid attention to...
If you'd like to donate or contribute as a supporter, please check the links at the top of this readme or at the right of the page. Disclaimer UmaTL is not affiliated with Cygames and is purely a fan-community effort. Assets are edited only for the purpose of translation and it is ...
When you import data through Integration Manager for Microsoft Dynamics GP or for Microsoft Business Solutions - Great Plains, you may have to convert a number from a negative value or amount to a positive value or amount. To do it, follow these steps:...
The “Only me” selection for the “Who can bypass the lobby?” meeting option has been updated to reflect that this will apply to “Only me and co-organizers.”\n\n Usage of the co-organizer role for a meeting is optional. If users choose not to use the co-organizer feature, there...
The dictionary is ___ to my translation but that one is ___. A. great help; helpless B. a great help; of no help C. important; of few import
add contributors in readme 1年前 batch.go refactor code and fix index lock 10个月前 batch_test.go refactor code and fix index lock 10个月前 db.go fix concurrent read 7个月前 db_test.go fix concurrent read 7个月前 errors.go
aThe Internet plays an increasingly importang part in our life these days. As far as I'm concerned, a day without going online would kill me. More and more organisations wuold be helpless without it 互联网在我们的生活中那些日子越来越起importang作用。 就我所关心,没有在网上去的一天将杀害我...
The following fragment clearly shows the function of this preface (prefatory phrase): the intention of not being misinterpreted. (1) Usuario 1 (hombre): No es por el país, no me malinterpreteis pero noruega me la sopla, es por la oportunidad laboral, es una compañía importante y pa...