clock_precision_digits = 0 # number of digits after dot. (optional) ordering = yes # Is ordering defined for timestamps? # (optional, default: no) tsa_name = yes # Must the TSA name be included in the reply? # (optional, default: no) ess_cert_id_chain = no # Must the ESS ce...
NameError: name 'platform' is not defined 0xBC13FE commented Aug 9, 2023 Try using mine. It's the same.. But it worked for a few people before. 👍 1 Author Diamondturtle99 commented Aug 9, 2023 So is this just the file? 0xBC13FE commented Aug 9, 2023 So is thi...
open or close a file. This happens by "hijacking" the libc functions that wrap the actual system calls. In some cases, this may fail, for example because the application does some clever wrapping. (That is the reason why__openat_2is defined: GNUtaruses this instead of a regularopenat.)...
staticvoidcrc_test(void){#ifdefCRC_TESTuint32_t data=0xabcd1234;#ifdefined(GD32)||defined(STM32)uint32_t crc_data=crc_single_data_calculate(data);crc_data_register_reset();#endif #ifdefined(GD32M0)uint32_t crc_data[3];crc_data[0]=crc_single_data_calculate(data,INPUT_FORMAT_WORD);...
parm: enable_ini:0:disable, 1-15:FW_DBG_PRESET Values, 16:enabled without preset value defined,Debug INI TLV FW debug infrastructure (default: 16) parm: bt_coex_active:enable wifi/bt co-exist (default: enable) (bool) parm: led_mode:0=system default, 1=On(RF On)/Off(RF Off), ...
While Pianno has demonstrated remarkable power in spatial semantic annotation, it is imperative to acknowledge that its efficacy is inherently linked to the availability of well-defined initial markers and the existing molecular knowledge of the tissue, which may limit the algorithm’s ability to unco...
entity type has no key defined error - help please! Enum and [Display(Name = "")] enum args in controller action methods? Enum Display within View enum to convert int in c# MVC? EnumDropDownListFor Set Default Value EPPlus multiple cell formatting not applying ERR_CACHE_MISS in MVC 5 r...
You now have the capability to look at the type parameters on a generic function. All of the arguments with TypeArgs in the name help to describe the classes of the type arguments for this instantiation of this function. For example, consider a generic function ...
To confirm system responsiveness and reduce batch-to-batch variability in magnitude of response, we worked with a defined lot of HUVECs obtained by pooling different donors and cultured the cells until passage 2 under standardized culture/growing conditions (seeding, grow intervals, culturing surface,...
You now have the capability to look at the type parameters on a generic function. All of the arguments with TypeArgs in the name help to describe the classes of the type arguments for this instantiation of this function. For example, consider a generic function defined like this: ...