当你在尝试安装pytz库时遇到“no matching distribution found for pytz”的错误,通常意味着你的Python环境或pip工具在尝试找到一个与你的系统兼容的pytz版本时失败了。以下是一些可能的解决步骤: 确认Python和pip版本: 首先,确认你正在使用的Python和pip的版本。你可以通过以下命令来查看: bash python --version pip...
When I tried to install pyplot I got this massage: Aneta@AKZ-5K-Computer:~$ C:/Python27/Scripts/pip install pyplot Collecting pyplot Couldnotfind a version that satisfies the requirement pyplot (fromversions: ) No matching distribution foundforpyplot If anyone has an idea how to install p...
总结:解决“ERROR: No matching distribution found for matplotlib.pyplt”问题需要检查和安装必要的依赖项、更新pip、使用虚拟环境、指定合适的目标平台以及确保Python版本和操作系统的兼容性。通过遵循这些解决方案,你应该能够顺利安装和导入matplotlib库,并开始在你的项目中利用其强大的绘图功能。相关文章推荐 文心一言接...
Please use the underscore name 'description_file' instead warnings.warn( warning: no previously-included files matching '*' found under directory 'test' adding license file 'LICENSE' writing manifest file '/tmp/pip-pip-egg-info-qkvjr81v/torch_scatter.egg-info/SOURCES.txt' Source in /tmp/pip...
ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement jaxlib==0.4.6 (from versions: 0.4.13, 0.4.14, 0.4.16, 0.4.17, 0.4.18, 0.4.19, 0.4.20, 0.4.21, 0.4.22, 0.4.23) ERROR: No matching distribution found for jaxlib==0.4.6 ...
ERROR: No matching distribution found for psycopg2-binary==2.8.5 网上的大部分解决方案一般为: 升级pip python -m pip install --upgrade pip; 2.更换pypi源 以清华的pypi源为例: pip install -r requirements.txt -i -i https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple --trusted-host https://pypi.tuna...
ERROR: No matching distribution found for pandas==0.25.3 (from modin[all]) I tried uninstalling and reinstalling pandas version0.24.2with these commands: python -m pip uninstall pandas python -m pip install --no-cache-dir pandas After trying to reinstall Modin with the same command above, I...
Hello, I would like to use connector-x on ARM64 architecture. However, it seems that this library has no ARM architecture version when trying to pip install it via docker buildx on this type of architecture. Would it be possible to relea...
autodiscover Using cached odoo_autodiscover-1.0.2-py27-none-any.whl Collecting odoo>=8.0a (from odoo-autodiscover) Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement odoo>=8.0a (from odoo-autodiscover) (from versions: ) No matching distribution found for odoo>=8.0a (from odoo-autodiscover...
I foundthis: pip install --user wx ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement wx (from versions: none) ERROR: No matching distribution foundforwx wxtools $ sudo apt-get install python-wxtools Чтениесписковпакетов…ГотовоПостроен...