warning no match for this type name: entity.User [Xlint:invalidAbsoluteTypeName] 这个bug是由于在spring的配置文件中的错误 这是由于上述中的 这一句中的 这里的类名的引用错了,我的正确类名引用是 所以只要将包引用的包名修改为User类的完全限定名就可以了...
根据错误信息"warning no match for this type name: com.sgies.tool.archive.user.controller.",可以看出是在com.sgies.tool.archive.user.controller这个包中的某个类型出现问题。 2. 查找引用位置 接下来,我们需要查找代码中引用了com.sgies.tool.archive.user.controller这个包的位置。可以使用IDE的搜索功能,搜...
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: warning no match for this type name: com.xxx.xxx.service [Xlint:invalidAbsoluteTypeName] 原因是切面表达式错误 原始表达式为: @Around("execution(* com.xxx.xxx.service.*(..))") 1. 修改为 @Around("execution(* com.xxx.xxx.service..*.*(..))"...
Spring AOP注解报错:warning no match for this type name: ICalculate [Xlint:invalidAbsoluteTypeName] 我的横切类是 com.fpi.myspring.aspectj.PointCut1 但是我要cut的类是 com.fpi.myspring.myInterface.impl.CalculateServiceBean @Aspect@Order(0)publicclassPointCut1{privateLoglog=LogFactory.getLog(this....
最近项目启动遇到一个错误 Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: warning no match for this type name: com.xxx.xxx.service [Xlint:invalidAbsoluteTypeName] 原因是切面表达式错误 原始表达式为: 代码语言:javascript 复制 @Around("execution(* com.xxx.xxx.service.*(..))") ...
出现warning no match for this type name: com.zrm.service [Xlint:invalidAbsoluteTypeName]错误 配置事务时,一定注意expression="execution(* com.zrm.service.*(..))" 应该为 expression="execution(* com.zrm.service.*.*(..))" ,这样,切点才定位到方法上了。
This year’s special guests includeLily Franky, this year’s recipient of the Cut Above Award for Outstanding Performance in Film. He will appear in “The Shell Collector,” an enigmatic film byYoshifumi Tsubotaabout a blind professor who has a shellfish that holds a healing power, which will...
您好,我的ES是2.2.0,下载了IK 1.8.0的版本编译,编译后将zip文件解压并放到了plugin目录下, 目录结构如下: -rw-r--r-- 1 tudouya staff 258K 1 16 19:42 commons-codec-1.9.jar -rw-r--r-- 1 tudouya staff 60K 1 16 19:42 commons-logging-1.2.jar drwxr-xr-x 3 tudouya
Japanese filmmaker Takashi Miike has over 115 directing credits to his name, and it has only taken him 33 years to reach that impressive number. One of his latest credits came on a blood-soaked horror thriller called Lumberjack the Monster, and the folks at Rue Morgue have confirmed that Lum...