对于No Makeup Makeup的未来规划,Victoria表示将保持稳健的步伐推出新品:“我们会精心策划每一步,确保一切都简单而高效。”她透露,腮红和唇彩等新品即将面世,但数量将控制在合理范围内,追求的是品质而非数量。 Victoria的自然肌肤之美理念,历经数十年传承,如今在No Makeup Makeup中得到了更为丰富与深刻的体现。正...
Book Reviews British Journal of Hospital Medicine Vol 77, No 3Victoria JacksonSebastian LucasAndrew C Swift
The makeup brand continues to be a resounding success, cementing Rihanna as a pioneer in beauty industry inclusivity and a powerhouse brand across mediums and disciplines. She has since launched skincare (Fenty Skin) and healthcare (Fenty Hair) offshoots for the brand. In 2018, she debuted ...
“We have sorely missed the opportunity to meet, exchange ideas and opinions, and to launch our innovations and new concepts,” the statement concluded. “It is far more important that we know we are behaving responsibly, and putting the health and safety of people fi...
María Victoria HumbertAnish PandeyHolly BratcherMyron ChristodoulidesAmerican Society for MicrobiologyJackson, A., Humbert, V., Pandey, A., Bratcher, H. and Christodoulides, M. (2015). Draft Genome sequence of Dichelobacter nodosus ATCC 25549 Strain VPI 2340 [11342], a bacterium causing foot...
Therefore, a vaccine incorporating rDn-ACP in particular could contribute to protection by enabling normal innate immune lysozyme function to aid bacterial clearance.doi:10.1038/s41598-019-46506-zMaria Victoria HumbertAlexandra Charlotte JacksonChristian M OrrIvo TewsMyron ChristodoulidesScientific Reports...
Along the two main roads and inside the Pendjari hunting zone, local populations establish traditional agroforestry systems and are authorized to gather non-timber forest products within the first 5 km perpendicular to the roads [51]. Along the two roads, three main ethnic groups are established:...