in xxx.jar" 错误,意味着您尝试运行的 JAR 文件缺少必要的 Main-Class 属性,该属性指定了 JAR 文件...
I'm building a JAR file with Gradle. When I try to run it I get the following errorno main manifest attribute, in RxJavaDemo.jarI tried manipulating the manifest property but I think I'm forgetting to add the dependencies or something to it. What exactly am I doing wrong?
原来pom文件是这样的: 居然放在了 pluginManagement中!!! <build> <pluginManagement><!-- lock down plugins versions to avoid using Maven defaults (may be moved to parent pom) --> <plugins> <plugin> <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> <artifactId>spring-boot-maven-plugin</artifactId> ...
no main manifest attribute, in "app.jar" Normally, if I had created the program myself, I would have added a main class attribute to the manifest file. But in this case, since the file is from an application, I cannot do that. I also tried extracting the jar to se...
After creating of the JAR file, I keep getting the following error when trying to run it: no main manifest attribute, in (my_directories)\iP\out\artifacts\iP_main_jar\iP.main.jar I already made sure to select Launcher as my main class in...
because the HelloWorld class imports org.joda.time.LocalTime class). I can build the app withgradle buildand run it withgradle run. Everything is OK and I get the result. However, when I try to run it withjava -jar HelloWorld.jar, I get the errorNo main manifest attribute. One of ...
In this post, we will see how to solve Unable to execute jar- file: “no main manifest attribute”. Table of Contents [hide] Problem Solution Maven Spring boot application Gradle Root cause Problem When you have a self-executable jar and trying to execute it. You might get this error. ...
Sometimes, we have a self-executable jar, and when we try to execute the project, it will throw the following error message:Unable to execute jar- file: "no main manifest attribute."The above error message is thrown because of a missing entry of Main-Class in MANIFEST.MF file....
2. MANIFEST file created: Manifest-Version:1.0Main-Class: src.Main 3. Compiling to the jar: jar cfm test.jar MANIFEST.MF src/ 4. Launching: java -jar test.jar result: no main manifest attribute, in test.jar Also I was trying following: ...