public class PrimitiveCollections { public IEnumerable<int> Ints { get; set; } public ICollection<string> Strings { get; set; } public IList<DateOnly> Dates { get; set; } public uint[] UnsignedInts { get; set; } public List<bool> Booleans { get; set; } public List<Uri> Urls {...
The first is that the “rebels” (which we should call simply “the Opposition”) have kept the food out and that they use the civilians as their hostages and human shields and the second goes that they there is actually no starvation going on, because what we see are pictures from other...
'Remember that AI is also being used on the firewalls, e-mail filtering etc. as a defence,' said Gary. 'So, basically, it's a game of who's quickest to get there: the attackers or the schools.' Scamming and cyberattacks are big business these days. An article in the Guardian by ...
It is a single prediction chart of any index or stock for 3 months with Key Turning Dates mentioned on it. Traders will get to know the significant market swings to take end-of-day positions in futures or options in the respective index or stock or ETF... Click Here S&P 500 index pred...
Depression has been kicking my ass a lot, for months. I finally got some work done around the apartment, after weeks of neglect. I’m catching up on my mail again. If I can get back into a routine I will try to release my work more regularly. I finally got my publishing stuff set...
On the 23rd March on my Nokia Lumia 650 mobile no longer sends or receives emails from the account which it did before. It keeps saying you...
E-mail list No Accreditation? No Problem! 10 Potential Routes To Get Into Jazz As A Beginner Don't listen to the snobs and gatekeepers: Jazz is for you if you want it to be. Setting the pivotal figures and desert-island discs aside, here are ten ways of ...
Combination of views and dates Output if WidgetKit extension is serialized to disk which enabled rendering of individual entries just in time Reloads Wake up the extension and ask for a new time line Help to ensure that content is up to date Get a TimelineProvider by struct Provider: Timelin...
"All the elements in the artwork, from the dragons to the intricate designs, contribute to its beauty. "Manchurian Elegance" is a truly exquisite piece that dates back to the Qing dynasty. The colors are so grand, and the craftsmanship is exceptional — it's even made in Italy and crafted...