These are reports by experts for experts, well aware of the limitations of their own data sets; the fact that every pub doesn’t mention every detail, just to spare the likes of Thebes the need to do a little digging, hardly constitutes a coverup. And on that note, fellow crawlers,...
In soft ban, your GPS will have sketchy behavior, and you won't be able to interact with the elements in the game. There are many queries regarding Pokémon Go joystick android on Reddit mentioning soft ban. This includes the Pokestops spin, which does not work at all. The good thing ...
-“I know, everybody likes pluto the planet as well, why don’t we just blow it up, we’ll say it was going to hit Neptune, a loyal planet that has been orbiting peacefully, and the debate will last years. ohh all the money..” -“it’s too much” said the reasonable dude, ...